headless torso

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Is there a horse wandering around somewhere without a rider? Maybe the Headless Horseman had a tragic accident?
hensylee said:
in the news:

Panama City police found a body without a head. Foul play is suspected.

well DUH!

Could be me for starting the "Can't we all get along" thread :D :D . Nope, still got mine :) . Maybe foul play was not involved, the guy just "lost his head" :eek: .

Could it be over a woman......... ;)

May God Bless,

Karlyn, you are naughty! You almost got me in trouble again ... reading your "burst out loud laughing" funny posts. Thanks!
Karlynn said:
Is there a horse wandering around somewhere without a rider? Maybe the Headless Horseman had a tragic accident?

Lends new meaning to the shout "Look, there's a headless horse, man". Or is that too sick a joke? :rolleyes:
Seems to me there was a case in New Jersey several years ago where a body was found wrapped in chains connected to cement blocks, and the body had been shot several times. The Medical Examiner ruled it to be suicide.