head pain normal??????

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We have been home a week today and it seems to be getting harder not easier. I have asked several doctors and you know doctors so I thought maybe somebody here could help from personal experience. The last 4 days my husband has been complaining about severe pain in the lower back of his head towards the bottom. Friday he became real sick quick with no signs it was coming. He described it to me as "if someone was turning his chair in circles real quick and then trying to focus" when this happend he vomitted and sweated terrible, I could ring out his shirt and his head was dripping. It happend on 2 occasions about 3 hours apart. The pharmicist said nausa could be the iron pills but dizziness unsure. Sat we went to the surgeon and he took him off of iron because of this but he too was confused about the dizziness. Today we go the other doctor. Did anyone else have huge headaches in their lower back part of their head, or dizziness and vommiting? I would appreciate and advice you can give. All these little setbacks are killing his momentum to get better and stronger. I thought we had crossed over the hurtle when had to have leg surgery but this new thing concerns me a little too.

thanks :)
You are taking him to the doctor today, right. You probably should have called 911 or gone to the ER. Make a list of everything that happened or print out your post above and bring it to the doctor. Headache with nausea and vomitting need to be seen asap!

Is he on Coumadin?
Yes Nancy he is on coumadin. When I called all the doctors they said if he cont. vomitting and it got worse take him to ER. The second time I wanted to but he was avid about not going. 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital "I won't go back". Frusterating yes but it seemed to get better. Last night he sat in the chair and wouldn't even move because of the head neck pain. We go to his Dr that prescribed the coumadin today, he was at a 2.3 on Thurs if I am understanding that right, is the coumadin what should be between a 2 & 3??
Well, I guess you are going to the doctor today, right?

If this ever happens again, do not accept what he says, call 911 and let the paramedics deal with him. It's too risky not to have someone take a look at what is going on.

With continual and severe head pain, you want to rule out any brain bleeding.
Something is going on there that needs further investigation. My vote is the same as Nancy's.
I had the most severe headaches for about 2 weeks after my surgery. I did not have the other symptoms that your husband is experiencing however. I would head straight to the ER the next time, no ifs, ands, or buts. It needs to be checked out.

Don't play with this!

Don't play with this!

I know how much you have going on now. This could be something bad or just a bug. BTW did you get the flooding taken care of? BUGS LOVE DAMP PLACES! I also know how stubborn cops can be! You need to remind him that he owes it to YOU and your KIDS to do everything he can to stay healthy. If that means swollowing his pride and calling the DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE :eek:(AKA THE FIRE DEPT / MEDICS) then thats what he must do. They won't laugh at him (while they are in front of him):p. Please keep us informed.
I got dreadful migraines in the early weeks after surgery, the nurses said it was the anaesthetics leaving my body (kinda like major withdrawal I guess). Let us know how your patient goes.

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