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??? comp is mad at me Im afraid...
But Ive a q? on visual disturbances. Wooziness and weakness.
It nearly always happens early after rising, take my morning meds, do a little chore(feeding Spaz), now legs and feet,back are screaming after maybe 5 minutes due to claudication, know that and deal with it, but... I am also having vision problems, then they go away, then headache/neck pain, and utter exhaustion and dizziness, as if I have 50 lb weights on both arms.. just want to close my eyes and never open again.
Does anyone experience this?If I ask drs ..they just say its to be expected due to my 'condition', but I hate this... its like being on a sinking ship w/ morning sickness...:eek: please anyone?? This pup is whining again...:eek:
Hi Yaps, So sorry you are having to deal with that.

I do have one thought...Sleep Apnea. Have you ever had a sleep study? Do you snore? If so, that is a potential cause for exhaustion etc.

I know you have lots of other medical issues which could be contributing to your malaise.

Try ( and easier said than done) to not let the docs just say it's due to your "condition". Perhaps it is something else that can be helped....or at the least there may be something that can be done to help you feel a bit better.

Sending you lots of positive energy!

Take care,

Afraid I don't have much to help you with but saying I understand how frustrating the dizziness can be. I had an episode a couple of days ago where one moment I was fine and the next I was so dizzy I felt like I was falling. This lasted for about 6 hours and got progressively better until gone.

So, dizziness is no fun (even for a few hours). I cannot comprehend how awful it must be to have this happen every day. I certainly hope you find out what is happening.
Nan said:
Hi Yaps, So sorry you are having to deal with that.

I do have one thought...Sleep Apnea. Have you ever had a sleep study? Do you snore? If so, that is a potential cause for exhaustion etc.

I know you have lots of other medical issues which could be contributing to your malaise.

Try ( and easier said than done) to not let the docs just say it's due to your "condition". Perhaps it is something else that can be helped....or at the least there may be something that can be done to help you feel a bit better.

Sending you lots of positive energy!

Take care,
Dont have apnea but do have hypopnea, and a c-pap... I have explained to drs, but they will just put me back in hospital, and I am truly trying to stay away from THERE!!!
I just find it odd that this is daily occurance..I think I will take meds later tomorrow , but do rest as normal, and see what happens...thankyou Geebee& Nan, love the pup
Do you have restless legs syndrome? I can't remember if you posted that a long time ago or not.
Anyway, I was watching an ad for medication for RLS a little while ago, and the side effects sounded similar to what you had mentioned.
Just a thought.
Not that I know of Mary, I have severe vascular, hypopnea(shallow breathing)mitral replacement,copd, now they say fibromyalgia(no real test I understand???),claudication causes unbelievable pain..but no RLS..What med do you remember?I take
plavix,lasix, aqqupril, zoloft, atenenol, coumadin,advair, nimbutal,nitrostat,aspirin,and aleve..when allergies acting up, benedryl,sometimes zocor when #'s go up..
Im thinking its my meds in the am???
I can't remember offhand Yaps, but I will write it down the next time I see it. They play it about 5 times a day. Starts off with a gal in a recliner, saying, just about the time you're ready to go to sleep, your legs say you aren't. Something to that effect.
Anyway, the side effects were great tiredness, dizziness, lightheadness, and nausea.
If you feel better as the day goes on, it might be the morning meds doing it (just my guess).
I don't know how much beta blocker you take, but years ago, when I was on Inderol, I started getting dizzy and was really exhausted. I'd been taking the med for about a year and was fine. They cut the dosage in half & I was fine afterward. You take such a stew of meds that it sure makes me wonder. A bunch of them have dizziness as a side effect. I think I'd check with the doc.

Have you taken your bp and hr when you're feeling like this?
No Georgia I havent, I really cant do anything when this happens:eek: I just lay my head on my desk until it passes, I bring this up today because it lasted so LONG... seemed like forever though I know it wasnt... a spell as the Grands would say, I took a spell..
But I must say my computer seems to be better:) ,yesterday I kept trying to get in and it was soooo slowwwwww,worse than dialup... my server having hiccups???
I do believe our meds can cause us a lot of trouble. Those morning ones, all in a bunch, must cause havoc inside. Is there any way you can spread them out some? I am sorry you are feeling so ill. Hope you can find some relief. Being sick is no fun. Blessings and God bless.
Thankyou everyone, will be testing my theory today, hopefully my server will still be accomodating and I can post results, love the pup
Meds the problem?

Meds the problem?

Gosh, it sounds like you take enough heavy duty meds that it is a miracle you get out of bed at all. I don't know your story, but when I was in the hospital having my first MV replacement I was psychotic for a week (or two?) and they put me on all these meds. My PCP intervened, with my husband's permission, and took me off everything and slowly I came around.
I do have restless legs and it seems to me that you would know if you did.:( One of the meds my PCP tried for the RLS was Neurontin and it made me insane. I could only sleep during the day and at night I had these horrible episodes where I couldn't stay in bed. I had some really bad falls and during one of my middle of the night walks I fell and broke 3 ribs.:eek: As soon as I quit the Neurontin, I quit falling and haven't fallen once since then.
I tell you this as an example of what meds can do to you and you don't even know it's happening. Do you have a PCP you trust who will act as your "quarterback?" Have all these meds been prescribed by different docs?:confused: If so you need one doc to sort through them, but he or she needs to listen to you. Obviously something is going on with you and at this point I'd vote for the meds.
Keep us posted and good luck.

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