I have mvp and panic disorder. My first full blown panic attack i called the ambulance, because my heart was racing and i was on my way back from a trip when it happened. I had no medication at that time for the panic, but i thought i was having a heart attack. They couldnt find anything wrong with me, and gave me nothing to calm me down. T reated me like i was a drugie. Just because i asked for something to calm me. To make it short it went on the next two days, going to the emergency room. This happened 3 or 4 yrs. ago. Today, I was having this discomfort in my neck. Its ben going on for about a week. Then my left jaw started getting tight, then it seem to get worse. My neck started to feel like it was too. Then my face on the left side started feeling numb, and it moved down my left arm. I was starting to freek, so i called my cardiology office to talk to the nurse. She said it didnt sound like mvp that some women have these symptoms when they are having cardiac problems and advised i went to the emergency room. My husband had gone to the store, and he religiously carries his cell phone. I called it three times and couldnt get an answer. I didnt want to drive and i didnt want to call the ambulance, but i did. They had the sirean on and i could hear it from far away and i started to hyper ventalate. Any way they took blood and did a ekg. and gave my a pill to help if i was having blood clotting. They called my doctor to get some of my history. I have had the dye work done about 3 yrs ago to check the mitral valve, so they said that ther were no signs of heart attack or stroke. He seems to think its stress. and it could be, i have had my share of it the past yr. But has any one out there with or with out panic disorder, had their face and one arm go numb. I know that i have had both my hands do that, and my feet. Panick disorder can cause you to feel all kinds of things. And i think i have had about all of them. Except this. Am i crazy, or has anyone went through this. Panic disorder is something if you ever had it you wont forget it and its not like panic like you feel if you were to give a speach in front of an audience. You can feel like your short of brath, dizzy, weak, heart racing, feeling like your going to die, Feeling like your not in this world, like your going crazy, numbness. cant think clear. Like someone has scared you and you cant calm down.
I am so tired of feeling this way. I read books and talk to the doctor. I wish i could just find someone that could help me. I want to feel free. Im not crying, im just tired, you know what i mean. Thanks for listening.
I am so tired of feeling this way. I read books and talk to the doctor. I wish i could just find someone that could help me. I want to feel free. Im not crying, im just tired, you know what i mean. Thanks for listening.