Having a Naaaaasty Day!

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Good afternoon,

Hope your day or week is progressing better than mine. While chatting barefoot on my STUPID cell phone in my front yard, I stepped on a @#$%&* Yellow Jacket who stung me! You wouldn't believe the language I expressed to my bro on the phone -- he didn't know I had a potty mouth!

I tell ya, I didn't need the added pain this week. I'm still getting over my recent diagnosis of chronic bronchitis, although I'm grateful to finally have a plausible answer to my symptoms. (And thank you kindly, Nancy for your words of caution. I've shared my concerns with my PCP and surgeon. They seem on top of it and check on me at least monthly).

I'm usually pretty hard to shake up -- I can roll with the punches -- but have found myself shedding a few tears more easily than usual the past few days. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by all the meds I take just to feel OK. I know many of you feel the same way at times, and have faced much bigger hurdles.

Kind regards,
.........and my wife asks me why I won't go barefoot in the yard!

The samething happened to me and I've never gone into the yard without my shoes ever since. I hope you stomped his little hornet head into the ground.
You've been hanging around my African Grey, because she can cuss like a sailor, always at the wrong time. Like when the little old lady across the street stops by.

On days and weeks like you're having, I just try to bring it down to the basics. Breath in...Breath out...be free where you are.

That's a favorite quote of mine from a Budhist monk, Thick Nhat Hahn. Of course my good friends are the first to throw it back at me when I'm freaking out over something. But hey, it sounds good.

Of course when you have bronchitis, even the breath in breath out is a challenge.

I hope your week improves.

Hey Kim,
Sorry to hear you are having a bad week. I hope things improve for you. I know it is hard to do but remember to smile.:)
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Hi Kim - bad day/week huh ? I bet it coulda been worse. Coulda been a hornet you stepped on, and you coulda been on the phone to your divorce lawyer. Got the picture ? Hope you don't think I'm non sympathetic, just trying to get you to see a different picture. I watched the sunrise this morning, and (if if wern't for all the clouds) I'da watched the sunset tonite. Perk up my friend, you have a lot of stuff to live for- so start to enjoy it. Chris


Join the bumble club..I was raking pine straw 2 days ago..hit their nest..and one flew up my pants leg.. Pain not that bad..but itches like crazy..Benadryl cream doesn't help:mad: Look at it this way..Weekend coming. Yea.. Let's go have some fun:p :p Bonnie
Sorry to hear about your bad day. I know the feeling when the emotions and pottie mouth just take over. Last week my youngest son joined the army and left home. I couldn't stop crying all day and my co-workers refer to me as being "steriod faced" that day I thought I had escaped all post op depression but it caught up with me. Guess we all have good days and bad days in spite of meds, etc. Hope tomorrow is a better one for you!!!
Thanks y'all.

Funny thing, tomorrow it's exactly one year since I conceived little Coulson. (Sorry if that's TMI for some). It's also a year from the day that I broke my toe on the same foot that's sore from the #&$*@ bee sting. I've made full circle.

And yer right, Chris: I do have a ton to be happy about. I have a loving family, great friends and a supportive church community. I've also grown to enjoy chattin' with y'all. (I never pictured myself as a cyber chatter). I guess you've touched my heart in more ways than one.

Ross, I did seek out that Yellow Jacket and if he wasn't dead when I stepped on him, he is now.

Sorry about that bee!! He won't do it again. We have lots in common.... my favorite book; The Little Prince, and I also live on a Southern Island!!!
Your week sounds like its getting better already, by the posts I read. Go forth and conquer!!
Thank you, Mindy. My husband and I were just looking at the local forecasts up north, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ... love our Southern islands in the sun!
Bad Day

Bad Day

Sorry to hear about your bad day. I hope the rest the week is brighter.:D If you want a good laugh go read abouy Pillar Paul VR.com basketball team. It is a great.:D
Sherrin Hutt
Valve Repair 5/99
Valve repalcement3/02
Kim C, always look at the bright side of things. Imagine what kind of day the yellow-jacket had. :p
So, I'm getting into my car to go to lunch and two yellow jackets flew into the car as I got in. One left quickly. The other one had me trapped for a few seconds. I ran around the car, opening all of the doors. It must have been a funny sight trying to shew this bee out of the car. The whole time I'm thinking of y'all. The yellow jacket didn't survive. As I smashed him, I said "This one's for Kim."

It's a true story................except for the part about "This one's for Kim" - I thought of that later.:D
ROTFL! Thank you sooooooooooooo much! Ha!

I had a similar moment the day before last. A Yellow Jacket was pestering my six-year-old daughter, Jessica. I quickly grabbed her arm and led her away. I have beephobia.

My PCP told me that a bee stung him on his nose last week while looking for his little dog in a bush. His nose was swollen and red. I couldn't help laughing, the poor, poor man.

Hope cold weather

Hope cold weather

Will drive those bees into the ground. We are expecting freezing weather this weekend in North Ga. Mts. Everytime I open the car door..one flys in..Be careful driving..People seem to swat at them and not watch the road.:eek: Bonnie

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