Having a beer?

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Would having a beer while on anticoagulants be a problem. or is there any other restrictions for someones diet once they are on them?

They tell you to "limit" your alcohol to a couple drinks in a given day. I've heard there may be additional concerns if you have any history of symptoms of ulcers, but since I don't, I'm not super clear on that part. And I also think I've heard alcohol might cause or accelerate ulcers (not sure if that's worsened by being on Coumadin, or if alcohol just does that regardless).

I've had at least 2-3 (if not a little more) on several occasions since my surgery 6 weeks ago. No adverse affects so far. Yesterday, I probably broke all kinds of rules, lol. I had a couple of mojitos during the day at a Father's day outing. Then had a couple of beers early in the evening. Then had a couple more beers late at night. I had fresca or diet coke in between each "serving" so I "justified" it that way (probably not too smart). I've got an INR test tomorrow, so I'll let ya know how it goes - don't expect any problems though based on past experiences over the last 6 weeks. My buddy has a great idea I may try some time. Have 3 drinks, then start the clock for the next day and have 3 more - who says midnight has to be the end/start of a day ;) Seriously though, as I understand it, the main risk of alcohol (in addition to possibly causing/contributing to ulcers as mentioned above, which are bad if you're on Coumadin) is it thins your blood. When combined with the anti-coagulant effect of coumadin, it might make things a little more dangerous than normal if you got cut bad while still 'under the influence'. And further, my understanding is it's not so much the external cuts you have to worry about - they'll stop bleeding eventually, just will take a little longer than normal - it's internal bleeding that's a bigger concern (things like ulcers or concussions).

I think I've also heard it can affect your INR, and if I understood right, it causes some people's INR to go up, and others to go down. I haven't noticed that yet with mine - I've been consistently between 1.9 and 2.7 since surgery, which is pretty stable (if you're not familiar with the numbers). But if alcohol was ever going to affect my INR, it would probably be tomorrow (after having 6 drinks in a 24 hr period). I'm a big guy, so I've kind of figured 2 drinks for others is probably about the same as 3 for me... I know, I'm a rationalizer, lol. But I'll let ya know what my reading is in the morn.

I'd be very interested in others experiences with this though, as I am hoping to be able to drink more than just a couple once in a while. I'm not an alcoholic by any means, but sometimes it's fun to let loose. Just wondering how big the risk really is, and exactly WHAT the risks are.

But to answer your question - having "A" beer would most certainly not be a problem. And as far as other diet restrictions, vitamin K is what you have to be a little careful about, although I think most people would have to really binge on something high in Vitamin K to make much of a difference (although this may vary from person to person). There are a few foods (leafy, green things) and a few off-the-shelf things (Slimfast, Ensure) that have significant Vitamin K, which brings your INR down. So you either need to be consistent, and eat the same amount of vitamin K each week, and adjust your Coumadin accordingly, or, stay away from "binging" on those high Vit. K foods. That's my understanding anyway, but again would be interested in other's experiences with this (as I'm still pretty new to this myself).
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Having one or two shouldn't be a problem (2 is my limit, any more and I'd be under the table LOL), having 6 or 8 might cause your INR to go up.

Go ahead and enjoy that beer - I think I'll join you

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Would having a beer while on anticoagulants be a problem. or is there any other restrictions for someones diet once they are on them?


Having a beer or two will cause no problem with warfarin(coumadin). Way back when I had the surgery, they gave me a beer every evening in the hospital as part of my medication. Told me it would help take water out of my system.

In all the years I have been on warfarin, I've never had to eliminate anything from my diet. If you like "greens" or other foods high in vit K, you will want to be consistent in enjoying them. The saying around here is "dose to your diet, do not diet to your dose". I try to have some form of green vegetables every day or two......not because I need too, I just like them.
One thing to remember:

Alcohol can cause dehydration, aggravate ulcers and cause falls (think: subdural hematoma).

Getting "falling-down drunk" would not be advised for someone on warfarin. In fact, I wouldn't advise it for someone NOT on warfarin.

That said, a couple of drinks won't hurt, as long as you're not on medication that isn't compatible with alcohol. When you get an Rx that says not to drink alcohol while on the med, please, please ask the pharmacist why. I recently heard of an acquaintance who got such an Rx, disregarded the warning not to drink any alcohol and ran into severe problems. Wish I could remember what the Rx was.
I would definitely recommend becoming discriminating in the beers you drink. So many beers, so little time, so why waste it on Miller Lite? Enjoy the stouts, the IPAs, the duppelbocks, the things with some substance to them. There was a recent report that Guinness is good for you, and some people actually claim to drink it for that reason.
Country, about 4,000 years ago an Egyptian artist wrote a little prayer: "God, give us bread, beer and onions." I feel much the same way. Although I do not take an anticoagulant, my Aunt has done so for many years. She is also an advocate for drinking in moderation so she is choosy about what goes into her glass.
Thanks for all the replys!!

Andy- i will def be interested to hear how your inr test goes tomorrow!! at least you had a good time and i am glad that your operation went good and that you were able to enjoy another fathers day!! congrats! yeah i dont get too crazy with those green things..... a salad every now and then but im a meat eater!! salad is what food eats!! so not overindulging on the greens will be good for me soon!! i love it! thanks

Freddie- thanks for the words!! i will cheers to your support!!

Dick- my Grandfather would have appreciated a beer in the hospital..... he was 100% German!! that would be great!!

Marsha- i dont reccomend getting fall down drunk either..... anymore! that is behind me!!

Jim- we have one heck of a brew pub just outside of town!! i feel that i am lucky for that!!

Mentu- That was a long time but dang they were right!!

Cheers To All!! Thanks
Country, here's an update after my INR reading this morning. Bottom line, I don't think the alcohol I had Saturday had any impact on my INR. I was 1.9 on Fri, and they upped my Coumadin dose slightly (from 4mg every day, to 5mg once a week and 4 mg the rest of the week) to raise it up just a smidge. I was 2.1 today, which is exactly what I would have expected it to be after I took one 5 mg dose Fri night and stayed on 4 mg the other days. So I don't think my drinks Sat. effected it at all.

Lol, love it about the salads - I'll start using that too - salad is what food eats ;) But in case your parents ask, I did NOT give you permission to not eat your veggies ;)
I could be wrong, but what you consumed on Saturday, may not show up in the INR test on Monday morning. Seems to me I've read here that it's a couple days after when the effect shows in the test? Can one of our experts comment?
I figure if the alcohol did affect my INR, it probably only did so while the alcohol was in my system Sat. night. Today (Monday - 2 days later) it doesn't seem to be affecting it anymore. Once I get a home tester in a few weeks (hopefully) I'll do some readings on a Sat. night while 'under the influence'. It's a rough job, but someone has to do it... for science! I'll have a couple, check my INR. Have couple more, check INR again. Etc.... Just kidding!!!!!! But I will check it after 2-3 drinks to see if it has any affect while the alcohol is still in my system. Problem is - I'm a big guy and I barely feel any buzz (if any at all) after 2-3 drinks, so it still may not affect it. We'll see in a few weeks. Geez, what I won't do for you guys ;)
ha this site also doubles for a good laugh!! well i dont think that i really should have to worry about a couple of drinks.... i will double check with my docs for a little reassurance though!
Somebody has to do it ARGreenMN, I look forward to your report !! It is a problem for me as I like a drink or 2 when going out but have been inhibited by the possible effects on my INR. I too have had conflicting messages about drinking. I only ever drink beer and have 2 pints when I am out and have felt no ill effects altho' my INR has dropped about half a point over the last 2 months, this may be due to my exercise routine and not my beers. I do feel that life is to be enjoyed and if doing things that could or might mess with my system then so be it. I have not been through all the pain and suffering to feel that I can't do things in moderation that I enjoy.
I figure if the alcohol did affect my INR, it probably only did so while the alcohol was in my system Sat. night. Today (Monday - 2 days later) it doesn't seem to be affecting it anymore. Once I get a home tester in a few weeks (hopefully) I'll do some readings on a Sat. night while 'under the influence'. It's a rough job, but someone has to do it... for science! I'll have a couple, check my INR. Have couple more, check INR again. Etc.... Just kidding!!!!!! But I will check it after 2-3 drinks to see if it has any affect while the alcohol is still in my system. Problem is - I'm a big guy and I barely feel any buzz (if any at all) after 2-3 drinks, so it still may not affect it. We'll see in a few weeks. Geez, what I won't do for you guys ;)
I hear ya. And I too plan to 'push the envelope' a little. I kind of like your theory about what good is the new heart valve if you can't live a little. Now, being stupid is different, and I'll try not to do that!

I'm actually semi-serious about doing some testing if/when I get a home INR tester so I'll report back. It'll be a few more weeks though most likely. Think they like you to be at the 3 month mark before they turn ya loose on your own. I'll be at 7 weeks post-surgery this Wed.

While you are figuring it out, I'll just continue teetolling and monitor your results....this is great and i get no side effects thanks

but seriously water tastes great these days and must be out of habit on the beer :D
I drink everyday..sometimes 2 beers, sometimes 2 beers and 2 martinis...consistency really is the key but I've been on Coumadin for 10 years and as long as you are 'fairly consistent' your OK...one doc told me in a half kidding way..."Go ahead and drink a six pack, just make sure you do it every day!"