Haven't seen Mara in a long time

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Bill Aldridge

Bill Aldridge

Was due to be a grandpa in April to twins. They had been down to son's house in Fla. helping out. Will try to find him:D :D Bonnie
I'm baaaack

I'm baaaack

Thanks To John C. for hunting me down.

Sorry I have not been around lately.

Got a new job and have been very busy. Slaving away as a deputy attorney general for the Indiana Atty Gen's office.

Other than that....not much new.

have been busy playing soccer in a women's over 26 rec league and trying to get grass to grow in our backyard. We moved in almost a year ago and have been battling the builder to get the back yard re-graded. Arghhhh. So now that that's done the hydro-seeding man is supposed to come....if it ever stops raining here.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Even though I'm not posting much, I am still thinking about you all.
You better be, you know I worry like an expectant father if I don't know where everyone is. :)
Hi Mara-

It's wonderful to know that your absence is because your life has returned to normal.

We all love to hear that. Sometimes it seems like it will never happen, but here you are living the "good life".

GREAT for you!
Hi Mara,

Great to hear you are doing well.

Ahhhhh, the joys of home ownership.We are in a new home as well. At times I wish we bought existing. You think we would learn our lesson, this is our third, LOL.

If you are with a large commercial home builder they take care of you real well post sale. We have been going though the same issues with our lawn. Isn't that the pits! Our home is custom and they wrote in a disclaimer...landscaping not covered. Lucky us. What they were referring to was the sod and the 100 ft trees...which are nice. No foundation plantings to speak of. We are in bad shape with the grass....but most if it is alive. So, I have that joy, along with the other landscaping and reparing the crap drywall job. It's completly upsetting when you spend a good buck on a house.

Hang in there..
Hi Mara!
Glad to see you're still A & W ! Seems like the new house / lawn thing is contagious. We just moved into our custom in January and I kept telling them the lawn was D.O.A. but I had to wait until three weeks ago, when the builder was finally convinced and ripped out both front and back yards and replaced. Good old Oklahoma Bermuda grass...took right off and you can't even tell. Anyway, keep in touch on occasion! ( Or have you been spending what free time you have watching the "Snooze - O - Rama" shows?) Ha! Had to throw that in! I know you haven't been... Take care!
Les AVR '93 / '95
Hi to All!!

Hi to All!!

Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know I still check in regularly.
Hi Gina, Nancy, Ross, Bonnie and All.
Just like Mara, I have been busy. My oldest son is Graduating
from High School next Friday. Hard to believe!!

I was wondering about Bob Gleason - anyone heard from him lately?

I still love Valvereplacement.com. It is Great to know there are friends out there that can relate (really relate) and share in our experiences.


MVR 04/16/89
Hi Tammy-

So glad to see you again, and especially that you are doing so well. That's great.

Please stop in and say Hello every now and then.
The joys of home ownership are many.
We went with a pretty big builder and our house is not a real custom build, but has some custom aspects. The landscaping was THE worst part of the whole experience. They put sod down in the front but did not do it correctly and did not remove the building debris as promised......so. Any way, you can guess the rest. Several shrubs died, stuff like that.

Les- as I am sure you are aware it is high season here in Indy for the Greatest Spectacle in Snoozing...er, Racing. Go fast, turn left. hurray, <yawn>.

HA "go fast , turn left.
Interesting "sport" isn't it?
I can't really say that I think of auto racing as a sport, although I do know that the drivers are in very good physical shape. I think of auto racing as involving strategy and mechanics rather than physical prowess. After all, the car does all the work.
A good pal of my is an Andretti, sister to John and cousin to Michael. She is pretty involved in it, and does legal work for some of the teams (she's lawyer, too.), but I can't say she has convinced me that auto racing is anything more than a passtime or a very expensive hobby. But, hey, I am all for everyone else loving it, and the 500 is interesting to go to once if you've never been.

OK, Mara, if you ever get to Minnesota, I'll take you for a few laps on the Brainerd International Speedway at 150+ mph, and then I'll ask if you want to try it! Au Contraire, racing requires incredible physical prowess, and the car does not do all the work. Negotiating a high speed four-wheel drift, with other cars just inches away, requires precise timing, outstanding reaction times, great endurance and physical strength (just try depressing the clutch ONCE on a race car).

Back in my younger crazier days, I made a brief attempt at going pro, and quickly determined that the physical prowess, including handling the sustained levels of adrenalin, was more than I was willing to handle. Most pro race car drivers have reaction times similar to other pro athletes, fabulous vision, and endurance like a marathoner. I know very few racers who don't train hard physically every day...if they didn't, they couldn't survive the profession.

hi mara!
so glad to hear you are doing really well.
glad to see you are playing soccer and keeping active.
how is your husband doing?
please come and visit from time to time, ok?we miss you here!
stay well, sylvia

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