OK, Mara, if you ever get to Minnesota, I'll take you for a few laps on the Brainerd International Speedway at 150+ mph, and then I'll ask if you want to try it! Au Contraire, racing requires incredible physical prowess, and the car does not do all the work. Negotiating a high speed four-wheel drift, with other cars just inches away, requires precise timing, outstanding reaction times, great endurance and physical strength (just try depressing the clutch ONCE on a race car).
Back in my younger crazier days, I made a brief attempt at going pro, and quickly determined that the physical prowess, including handling the sustained levels of adrenalin, was more than I was willing to handle. Most pro race car drivers have reaction times similar to other pro athletes, fabulous vision, and endurance like a marathoner. I know very few racers who don't train hard physically every day...if they didn't, they couldn't survive the profession.