Have social security drs appt

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On the 21st of this month, mercy I hope it goes ok.hoping everyone is fine, love Yaps
Well.....Harrybaby will be routing for ya...

Well.....Harrybaby will be routing for ya...

Hi Yaps,
I hope everything goes well with your appointment on the 21st. I have been wondering how your claim has been going...I hope that you will be getting your SSDI soon...Good Ludk, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
well Harry

well Harry

I am nervous, my bronchitis has risen its ugly head, have felt so bad..all through the holidays.
And I sure didnt want to depress anyone during that time and say;;ARGHHHH I feel so lousy..lol
Had to get a refill on my advair.. cant walk 15 steps without coughing ,choking..sob...It will get better, hows your kitty?


Goodluckl and be sure to have your own drs. on standby in case that they are needed for information. You keep hanging in there.
My Gosh.....

My Gosh.....

Yaps said:
I am nervous, my bronchitis has risen its ugly head, have felt so bad..all through the holidays.
And I sure didnt want to depress anyone during that time and say;;ARGHHHH I feel so lousy..lol
Had to get a refill on my advair.. cant walk 15 steps without coughing ,choking..sob...It will get better, hows your kitty?

I know how it is with the Bronchitis...I have always had respiratory problems since birth, so I know how you are feeling, and I hope you get over it soon as I know it's a horrible feeling..I have been really lucky...only a couple of asthmatic spells this year so far, but I will tell you, with my heart the way it is, I am getting to the point where every little thing gets me short of breath...I really and truly hope that everything goes well at this appointment...

As for Bandit....He has been a real little "Juvenile Delinquent" These past few weeks, but alas, he makes up for it by comeing up to me and rubbing up against my arm, getting in my face, and rubbing, and just being loveable...

He sends his MEEEOOOWWWWWWW and pawprint....LOL Harrybaby666 :D :D :D :D
By all means, have your own physicians statements and records. Those SS Docs are quacks in my opinion.
I am taking

I am taking

my records with me, thankyou Ross. Having a waitnsee attitude. love Yaps
Whatever you do, do not let them keep them unless you have copies. They'll conveniently lose them! I have 0% trust in them or their abilities.
I have copies

I have copies

but they will not keep these, Ive given copies to my daughter and a good friend..cya all the way..lol thanks Ross,love Yaps


You dont sleep any better than I do, do you? 3-4 hrs ..maybe ..if the phone dosent ring.. right?
ross and yaps

ross and yaps


Yaps and Ross I am joining you on the few hours lately. The phone rang at 6:30 this morning and thats the end of my sleep. I probably get a few more hours than you but not by much!

If I get

If I get

6 hrs , I think Im doing well, I have intermittent claudication, and buddy it knows when the painkiller has worn off..wakes me every time..really dont know why I bother setting alarm clock..lol
I had all kinds of problem with SS Doc's. It took me three yrs. to get SS disability. If it hadn't been for the school system I worked for paying for all the appeals I wouldn't been drawing it today. I had aa review last yr. It was aa joke! Instead of sending me to a Dr. in Louisville 10 min away. They sent me to another littlt town north of me. It was the worst day of the yr. It had snowed and my husband had to drive me because I had no ideal where I was going. Then after I meet the Dr. for a exam of all of 15mins. He told me he had aoffice in Louisvile too! I was really hot!!!!! then. How stupid can they get!


It also took me three years, and applying 4 times, and contacting my State Representatives office, to get my SSD. I have had 4 OHS and a lung surgery. I am on 160 mg., 80mgx2, of lasix a day so it would be very hard for me to hold a job and go to the bathroom every five minutes for the first 2 hours after I take my meds. I was lucky (if you want to call it that) enough to be in CHF when I went to the SS doc. That was five years ago. I came under review last summer. I was drawing a small amount of pay from my brother-in-law to run his small office while he had his heart transplant last May but everything was legit. I was concerned that they may stop my benefits. But everything seemed to work out. I guess even they know it is pretty much impossible to take that amount of lasix and hold a job. Just keep at it. They are counting on you to back down. Don't do it. Good Luck. Peggy