Have been out

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due to lightning striking my main comp, now I am on my old sick one and limited to what I may do...grrr, must buy a new comp...wasnt able to post except in pms which Ive done ..but today she let me, who knows what tommorow brings..roll eyes(similies wont work)..but I am here and not even missed...ouch!!!love the pup(grin)
Thankyou Mary, you know I love all of you.. thinking my comp caught my pneumonia????
It went through phone line and dsl box, John had shut comp down so he wasnt concerned...until morning when we found out...I am just glad we are a 4 comp family...but I only owned these 2... this one Ive let grandkids play on and she is extremely ill..Im just going to replace my bedroom comp and give ailing one back to kids...but glad Ive got her right now. Love the pup
Oh heck, you made me go to check mine and I don't have my DSL line in my surge protector. I went to fetch a lead so that I could connect them and found the reason why I hadn't done it already, they use a different sized jack! I use wireless so hopefully it if blows it will only be the router and not my computer and satellite receiver box. :eek:
Ross said:
Format the hard drive and reinstall. Start fresh! :D

Just listen to that man! Like we all know what the h*** he's saying!

Do you have a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) that lets you keep your power for 15 mins to shut down and is also a protection from surges. I keep mine plugged into that. It also takes a phone jack.
I will be out for a while again, a friend is going to fix me up, and do some repairs, may be a week or more w/o acsess to a comp... will miss everyone..love the pup
Yaps said:
I will be out for a while again, a friend is going to fix me up, and do some repairs, may be a week or more w/o acsess to a comp... will miss everyone..love the pup
Now what am I going to do? :(
We scavanged from one comp to another :eek: now I am twice as strong!!!
I am woman hear me roar....:p