Has anyone seen the research on Cozaar?

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
There has been some research done on the BP med. Cozaar that has shown to reduce and turn back to normal aortic aneurysms in mice. They later did a study with marfin pactients and had good results in a small study. I have also seen some on the internet that are having it prescribed to them to see if it helps. I have not seen any research done on non-marfin pactients. It is used for folks with diabetes as well to control neuropathy. Most here would not benifit because we have valve problems as well that have to be addressed. Some have said it may be the first nonsurgical approach to aneurysms. However, we know many things have not lived up to the hype.
It stands to reason that if Blood Pressure is reduced, the size of an aneurism might also be reduced.

That may be useful for the Short Term, but the Weak Tissue is Still There and NOT getting any stronger. To MY Mind, the decision then becomes WHEN (not IF) to 'Fix' the Weak Tissue in the Aorta.

'AL Capshaw'
I've been on Cozaar for high BP for years. I like it a lot. I don't find any side effects with it like I did when on a Beta Blocker for BP. Nice to hear that it has some other benefits.
I just started taking cozaar after they found my aortic root has an aneurism, bummer.
I had an echo that said it was 4.0cm. I go for a ct scan in Nov to see if it has gotten any bigger, hope not! Anyone ever hear that happening after avr surgery?
Al in the research with mice it was not just a reduction from the lower BP. When they checked them in an autopsy they had reterned to normal. When used in the marfin folks some it stoped the growth some it slowed and a large percentage actual got significantly smaller.
Let us know how it goes. Some of those taking it for BP that had aneurysm have reported an actural redction. It would be good to know what yours does.
I've been on Cozaar for over a year now. Starting having problems with my kidneys and the kidney dr put me on it because he said I had Neuropathy.
So far so good. Havent notice any reaction to it so I guess it's working ok.

That is good info Ross. What mg were you on when it happened? Like I said so many of these things don't live up to the hype. I think you said that also.
That is good info Ross. What mg were you on when it happened? Like I said so many of these things don't live up to the hype. I think you said that also.

100mg tablets. I just found an empty bottle in the back of the cabinet.

There is some merit for some people in treating with this drug, but it didn't do a thing for me.
I only remember reading that it showed promise as a good treatment for stopping the aneurysms growing...I didnt know that it actually shrunk some of them...
I have been taking Hyzaar, which is Cozaar with a diuretic, for two years. The patent on it expires this year, so if we're lucky there may be generic Hyzaar/Cozaar soon. This is why I switched from Diovan, which is in the same family of high blood pressure drugs.
I have been taking Hyzaar, which is Cozaar with a diuretic, for two years. The patent on it expires this year, so if we're lucky there may be generic Hyzaar/Cozaar soon. This is why I switched from Diovan, which is in the same family of high blood pressure drugs.

Very interesting. I've been on Diovan for four years, but am thinking about asking my doctor to switch me to Cozaar when it goes generic, purely for cost reasons. Have you found that it is equally effective and free of side effects, as compared to Diovan?
Very interesting. I've been on Diovan for four years, but am thinking about asking my doctor to switch me to Cozaar when it goes generic, purely for cost reasons. Have you found that it is equally effective and free of side effects, as compared to Diovan?

Yes, I have not noticed any difference from Diovan. I also have trouble with Gout, and my Rheumatologist told me that Cozaar will slightly reduce uric acid levels, so it was a no-brainer for me.
I've been on cozaar 50 mg for only 3 months now. I have not noticed any side effects that I can attribute to it. It keeps my systolic bp in the 105 - 110 range. Occaisionally, it drops lower and I tend to get light headed, but that's about it. My aorta measured 4.0cm just before my AVR in Sept. '08. It'll be interesting to see what it looks like when I have another CT scan in a few months. If it gets smaller, I'll announce it. I'm not counting on it though.
When I was still considered Marfan (more or less) I went to a lecture by geneticist and Marfan expert, Hal Dietz, at Johns Hopkins, about the accidental discovery that Cozaar could actually reverse aortic aneurysms and some other serious Marfan maladies. Dietz's slides showed how Cozaar had also accidentally been found to reverse some other genetic disorders, including some forms of muscular dystrophy. It seems that something about the chemistry of Cozaar stops the human body from attacking certain maladies caused by some genetic disorders. That is why, among many Marfan people, aneurysms can actually shrink up.

After hearing that Dietz lecture I went onto Cozaar and then Hyzaar, but nothing miraculous happened to me. Maybe, like Ross, I have many Marfan characteristics but never thruly had the Marfan type of aneurysm. (To restate the situation: Marfan now is known to have an element of the body destroying itself, while, it would seem, BAV is merely a faulty heart-valve gradually getting worse.) I still take Hyzaar, however. It is pretty inexpensive even if it is not generic at this time.