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had unusual experience with their dog?I know this sounds odd, but when I had my heart attack, Solomon gave out the most mournful howls, he'd never done it before and hasnt since.
He has woke me up several times in the night, all tail awagging and smothering me in kisses (he's 80 lbs btw, I :eek: woke up), this was before my SA dx, and my c-pap.
Well today, ..I just feel lousy, no reason I can discern, this day is no different than yesterday... yet I feel lousy?? Tearful.. just want to lay down and never get up again.. but Solomon wont let me.. he is following me, sits and just looks at me, when I move ,he is next to me whining.. I get a huge sensation that he is more aware of my aches and pains than I am.
Does this sound dumb?
I just want an opinion, perhaps Ive just been alone with him too long? Lol
I think he senses better than any doctor in the world....
love the pup
Doesn't sound crazy to me at all. I've had many times in my life when one of my dogs seemed to sense that I was ill, or didn't feel good physically or emotionally. I'm sure you've heard of dogs that help people who have seizures; they sense the seizure coming on and warn the person by jumping on them or whatever. Hope you're feeling better soon. Sounds like you may want to consider your dogs behavior, especially if you're feeling pretty bad. Could be a warning...or at least emphathy.

I know when I don't feel well, my one dog Sammy (female yellow lab) will follow me arround, and will even get up on the bed with me as if she is watching over me. She's my shadow though anyhow. As soon as I come home, she follows me everyplace. Sometimes it drives me nuts, but it's cute.

My other dog (female), Autumn Bear, is the younger of the two dogs. Sam is 12 years old, and Bear is 6. You can tell when Sam isn't feeling well, and Bear will always stay by Sam. In fact, Sam is currently in heat, and we have to have her sleep and stay in the kitchen. Well, Bear still has free reign of the house, and both dogs will sleep in our bedroom. But when Sammy has to stay in the kitchen, Bear will try and weasle under the gate leading into the kitchen (she's a Golden Retreiver who's 85 lbs) but doesn't realize that her big but isn't going to make it under the gate. So she will sleep right next to the gate, with her nose under it trying to be close to Sam.

The cat's are funny like that too. They don't like each other, but when one of us isn't feeling well, they will always stay by us (same with the kids). In fact, Hope, our youger cat, slept with Nicholas all last night as I think she picked up that he is scared about what he is going through.
Well, after taking a darvocet, I actually slept until alarm went off(a rare thing for me), perhaps it was weather front making me just ache yesterday.
whatever it was it must be over as Solomon is back to his usual self. Laying asleep on my bed..lol.. he sleeps (and snores btw :p , maybe he needs a c-pap).He has totally ignored me today :cool: , so?? Dont know.
Yaps said:
Well, after taking a darvocet, I actually slept until alarm went off(a rare thing for me), perhaps it was weather front making me just ache yesterday.
whatever it was it must be over as Solomon is back to his usual self. Laying asleep on my bed..lol.. he sleeps (and snores btw :p , maybe he needs a c-pap).He has totally ignored me today :cool: , so?? Dont know.

Maybe Solomon took a darvocet when you wern't looking and that is why he is ignoring you right now. He's stoned! :)
Alas, every dog I've had was as pathologically insensitive as its master. All-purpose response to whatever's going on seems to be, "What's to eat?"
Animal Planet

Animal Planet

I love watching Animal Planet and I've seen many cases of pets that have even saved their owners' lives. My mum has two dogs, and especially the female boxer will follow her everywhere and won't leave her side until she gets up in the mornings. My mum has myasthenia gravis and there are days when she doesn't even feel like getting out of bed.
I have a cat that will do that. When I had a cath 3 years ago and came home and was sleeping and woke up she was laying on the area where they had done the cath. She will also lay on my feet when they are cold and I don't tell her too. After my last heart surgery I woke up and she was laying on my chest.....she is kind of a weird cat...she drools on you when you pet her but I kind of like her. One time another of my cats was hurt out side and she was going crazy trying to get my attention but meowing, jumping on the counters, getting underneith my feet....driving me crazy until I finally fiqured out that she was trying to tell me something.

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