Has anyone had a subaortic membrane +bentall procedure?

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I have a subaortic membrane that obstructs the blood flow associated with a linky aortic valve. I have been advised to go to surgery to cut out this membrane and change the aortic valve and the aortic root( Bentall procedure).
I had an operation 23 years ago for a ressection of the mebrane and the main issue for the surgeons resides in the scar tissues. They told me it was a huge and uncommon procedure.
I am 37 and very fit with no real symptoms. Has anyone had a similar operation? It's not a well-reported condition and I have been looking for testimonies everywhere on the net.

Thank you!

Hello Xavier!!!!
I'm Debbi from West Virginia, USA and recently had surgery at Cleveland Clinic for the same problem you have mentioned. My surgery was April 6 of this year and was performed by Dr. Gosta Pettersson. I also searched the internet and found little if anything on the subaortic membrane or Bentall procedure.
Surgery was successful and was considered low risk. From the surgical report, finding and slipping out the membrane was rather uncomplicated. The revision of the ventricle muscle for increasing blood volume was much more tricky. I know there were three different attempts which required placing me on and off the heart/lung bypass machine when results were not adequate enough to get the blood volume they were after. I also remember from the surgical report that on the final attempt the surgeons were no longer comfortable and did not 'dare' go any further into the apex of the heart. The cardios likened the Bentall Procedure more to a 'shaving' of the heart muscle. An echo and a tee were performed during surgery and it appeared that my aortic valve did not need replaced or even repaired. My mitral valve was repaired. I should be added here that 3 months post-op, some leaking of the arotic valve (+2) has been noted on a physical exam.
I hope I have helped you and if you can think of other questions, please feel free to let me know. I'd be more than happy to help you.
Best of luck,
(I was 49 at time of surgery)
I know of MANY children who have had this done - I can put you in touch with their parents - (many of whom know this surgery inside out now) if thats of any help??
subaortic membrane

subaortic membrane

Caleb has have a subaortic membrane resected twice in three years! They have told me that he will always be at risk for this to grow back. This can be a risky procedure because they are working very close the many electrical pathways. I would just be sure that the surgeon has done this before I wouldn't want to be the first case ever done. Also from what I was told this can put stress on the mital valve it the membrane is bad enough.

As for the bentall procedure I'm not familiar with that.

Subaortic membrane + bentall

Subaortic membrane + bentall

Hi Emma,
Thank you for your response. I'd love to be in touch with aduts who had this "double treat" performed on them. Mine is cross between pediatrics and adult surgery, which makes it tricky. I must add that it will be a 2nd op after a resection of the membrane 23 years ago.


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