Harrybaby's Cwwazzzyyy Life...LOL

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Guys and Gals,

Just wanted to post and let yall know that I haven't been trying to neglect you all, but things have been absolutely nuts around here these past few weeks. I ended up having to find another part time job as it made no since to me to work a job that cut the hours down to 1 day (I mean the whole Idea of a part time job was to help suppliment the income, but not subtract from it...LOL) and between that and coming down with a horrible bacterial infection ( my 2nd on in about a month) and wanting to do nothing but sleep, it's definitely been crazy, and to top things off, because of this stupid infection, my kidney surgery most likely will be put off for another 6 weeks....not good.....anyway, I just wanted to let yall know what's been going on, and hopefully things will settle down here so I can get back to normal living...LOL Hope all is well with everyone and everyone is staying healthy (Healthier than me I hope) :D :D :D :D :D Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D
Sorry to hear that it isn't a "good crazy" life you've been having. But hey, it's a life! :D

Glad you checked in Harry. Get rested and take care of yourself.
Dude I know you need the money and all, but don't you think the job(s) aren't hurting you just a bit?
Harry, darn it, 2006 was supposed to be a better year for you. This is not the way to start out the new year. Hugs & prayers are coming your way.

I was wondering about you and thinking you hadn't posted in a while. Sorry you have been having some troubles lately, but I'm glad you basically OK and are posting again.
Hey Harry,

Sorry your life has been so crazy. But....sometimes, craziness can be the "spice" of life.

Yeah, so that's a stretch, I know....

Anyway, thoughts/prayers coming your way, as I'm sure you already know :).

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"How can anybody be so lucky?" ... John Conlee ... 'Domestic Life'
Hey Harry, I'de been thinking "Where's Harry?" Now I know and sure hope you're better and back to "normal" soon. Ross may have a point about the job being too much...just something to consider. I had two different part-time jobs last year (not at the same time...ugh). I gave them both up because they were just not right for me after I got into them. One was third shift, but only two days a week...still couldn't do it! The other was too physically demanding; gave it my best and thought I was going to die. Just saying this because I'm in better physical health than you and I couldn't handle a part-time job either. My wife has forbid another job. So, take care of yourself, okay?

Harry, I am sorry you are having the cwaziness that befalls us from time to time. We all manage to get through it somehow and you will, as well. Take care of yourself - and don't do that job if you don't have to. Blessins and good thoughts........
Hi Harry! Glad you posted. I, too had been thinking, where's Harry? Figured it was just holiday stuff.

Well, gee. Sorry your year is starting off rough, but maybe you're just getting all the bad stuff out of the way early on. I do admire your tenacity (stubbornness??) in getting out there and doing what you think you should be doing, though, so if is it making you feel stronger in any way then don't give up!! Sometimes we just gotta do what's we just gotta do!!

Keep us posted on that infection. Yuk. Hope it's under control soon!

Best wishes.

I'm glad you checked in. Like the others, I've wondered where you are.:)
Hi Harry

Hi Harry

Sorry to hear that your year hasn't got off to the best start.
Hope that things really settle down for you soon.
Very Best Wishes
Ernie & Wendy