Harrybaby I got a new recruit for us!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Thought you might like this. I went out to eat and in the traffic was this little old lady on her scooter, complete with slow moving vehicle flag holding up traffic and driving it on the road. She turned into the same restaurant and put that sucker straight into the center of a handicapped parking area. You know, the full size car parking spot, dead center.

I pull in beside her and stupidly asked if she really needed to take the whole parking spot for her scooter. She's starts wielding her cane at and shouting obscenities at me. At this point, I'm seeing you and me clotheslining people while driving scooters and the thought has me busting out laughing. She thinks I'm laughing at her! Oh boy, old Ross is gonna get clobbered now! :eek:

The more she carried on, the harder I was laughing. I feel bad about it, because normally I wouldn't have laughed, but her going off like that and being such a mean and crotchity old bitty, well I thought she'd fit right into our plans to take over the world! I couldn't get close enough to ask her for her name and number though. :D
Roflmao!!!!!! Oh My God Ross...that Is Just Too Funny!!!

Roflmao!!!!!! Oh My God Ross...that Is Just Too Funny!!!

OK BUB, YOU REALLY HAVE ME LAUGHING TOO HARD NOW...This is just too funny...I do think she would make an excellent recruit...if she don't behave though, she would also make an excellent target...I don't know how you got through that without having to sit down and get more Oxygen, as I know I would need it!!! OH MY GAWD. Thanks for sharing that...you just made my day.... :D :D :D :D :D :D Harrybaby666

P.S. If you want a really good laugh, Mary had asked me to post pics after I had moved in....besides the ones of the apartment before I moved in....So I did.....You will have to check out my new apartment post and see these "after moving in pics" that I posted just for Mary....she said I had been hanging around you too long...lol Harry :D :D
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I had to wait and suck some more O2 after that. I had to be turning purple I was laughing so hard. She made my day too! For some reason, I don't think I made her day though.
Ross said:
I had to wait and suck some more O2 after that. I had to be turning purple I was laughing so hard. She made my day too! For some reason, I don't think I made her day though.

But I'm sure you did make her day Ross. People like that, are like that because they get some sort of positive (yet warped) reward from being that way. I'm sure she was more than thrilled to have something and someone to get her knickers in an even bigger bunch over.

You and Harry, Scooter Super Heroes! I see a network situation comedy in the works.
Well You See Hensy...It's Like This....

Well You See Hensy...It's Like This....

Ross and I are teaming up to form "The Scooter Buds Hell", able to mow down or clothsline any nasty, irratable, slow people who think that they need to turn on their turn signals 4 miles back before they turn, when in fact they are only going 1/2 mile an hour...or of course, as Ross explained earlier, park dead center in a regular handicapped spot when they should only take up a 1/8th of a parking spot...lol :D :D :D Harrybaby :D :D :D

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