HarleyM's surgery today

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Sorry I was late starting a thread for you..saw where you had viewed at 4:45 A.M. ..Sometimes, we miss an important post..so here;s hoping the best for you..:) Maybe you had someone lined up to post for you..Hope so. Bonnie
Good luck to you!! This April we are trying to chalk up BORING surgeries.....except our sweet Tonia who had a rough go of it. You, however, need to join our league of boring April-ites...okay? Best of luck to you and we look forward to hearing from someone soon about your journey

:D Marguerite
Let me add my wishes for a boring report -- good luck and get back here asap to tell us all the ZZZZZzzzzzz details!
So sorry I missed a proper send-off Harley- looking forward to reading a post for you soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hey Harley!
We got so busy trying to schedule you for surgery back on Monday, that we almost forgot that TODAY is the big day!
I'm wishing you the most successful of surgeries, and the easiest recovery anyone has ever experienced!:)
You remain in my prayers,
Harleys surgery

Harleys surgery

Thank you all so very much for your love and support. I will let Harley know of all your good wishes tommorow am when he hopefully gets out of ICU. He has really had a tough surgey. After finding three Anyurisms once inside, then not being able to get the bleeding to stop right away, his poor little tough body has been through a lot. He does not even have a clue what he has been through.
However, he is doing much better now. thanks again for all your love and support. It means a great deal to him and myself. He made me promise to keep u posted.
Love to you all,
(harley's wife)
Thanks for the update. Sorry Harley is having a tough time but it sounds like things have improved somewhat.
Please give him a big hug for all of us and remember to get some rest yourself.
Today was better but more complications

Today was better but more complications

Hello again,
I now know why he wanted me to keep you all updated. You guys are so kind for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you all so much for your responses.

I am home again tonight becuse he still remains in ICU. Hopefully, if he has no more complications he will be in a room tommorow.
Today was really tough for him as well. First thing this morning they had to take him for a catherization. Results of that test were good though.

Then, this evening when they removed the IV that was into his main artery in his neck he started to bleed. They applied pressure for over 30 minutes and still could not get it to stop. I was in the ICU room with him when blood started to run down his chest from the removal of the Iv in his neck. Then he stated he had pain in his stomach. The nurse had me go get another nurse to get the Doc in right away. Then I was asked to leave while they worked on him. They had a stitch up the hole. They said they got the most of the bleeding stopped but still has a little. After all that he was really tired. His color looked great and I have already notice good changes since the surgery. He no longer looks tired, he actually looks really good. Not much swelling either. I can tell that when we cross all these small hurdles he will be much better. God is looking out for my beautiful, handsome, and very strong husband.
I had to leave him again tonight. I had my bag packed and ready in the car, anticipating getting to stay close to my sweet honey all night and be by his side. Maybe tommorow. He is a fighter. I am gonna keep my chin up and be strong and brave for him. I am blessed to have him and he had a wonderful surgeon who has a the gift from God. We are very pleased with his hard work and kindness. He has really taken great care of my husband.
Thanks again,
OLINA (harleys wife);)
Seems like things are going in the right direction...

Seems like things are going in the right direction...

I am happy to hear that he is seems to be heading in the right direction. I will pray for an uneventful recovery from this point on.
Thank you so much for the update. I hope you are getting some rest. I also truly hope that they will move him out of ICU just so you can stay there with him!! You two sound like such sweethearts.....it is good for the soul just to hear you!!

I was just in ICU last week. Let me tell you, I don't remember very much of it. My husband and daughter say that I recognized them....I hardly remember seeing them in there. I only remember one fuzzy moment while I tried desperately to reach for a cup of ice. It seemed like an eternity and I could not reach it....I know the nurse was right there with me helping......the memories of ICU are very vague and surreal.....try not to worry about his experience in there. He is there so he can get immediate care and it sounds like they are doing a wonderful job. His tough spirit is helping him through this.

GOod luck tomorrow. Thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts. He is surely in ours and will be until we know he is safe and mending more easily.

Best wishes.

Olina, I hope that he is moved today and that recovery is uneventful from here on out. Please send him our best wishes and remember to get your rest when you can. We seem to run on adrenalin when facing all this, but it takes its toll and you need to be healthy to nurse him back to health at home.
I hope that Harley's hit all the bumps in the road that he's going to hit, and everything is smooth from here on out.
Please give him our best, and keep us updated as you can.
Hang in there, Harley will be fine. Like you said, he's a fighter! You guys will be going home together before you know it.

Best Wishes,