Happy Thanksgiving

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To all my fellows Canadians VR.COM I would like to wish a great Thanksgiving weekend. The first thing to be thankfull for of is of course this fabulous website that is making such a difference in our daily life. I am sure everyone as their special list and reasons to be grateful hopefully you will have a moment to think about it this weekend. Personnaly I am very happy to be in the waiting room and have a chance to learn from my brothers and sisters of VR.com. Take care and have a great long weekend.
Hi Luc-

For those of us in the States, could you tell us some of the Thanksgiving traditions there? Here it's about lots of food, and thanks also.

Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!
Luc I guess all of Canada is gone today. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. We have another month to go yet here. I can wait. I don't do holidays very well anymore.
Sorry to hear that Holidays are not your thing. I can understand that for some people it often bring memories or make them feel lonely, but like everything else it pass.

Dear Nancy-
Hope that Joe is hanging there with his special low potassium diet. Be sure that tomorrow morning ,as we are going to early Mass ,there will be a special though for both of you.
I always like Thanksgiving , moslty because it is not as commercialized like Christmas as become. In Canada , like for most other events, there is two differents version of the day. For English Canada its resemble greatly the U.S. but on a smaller scale of course, with the focus point being the harvest. For my family (French Catholic) it was the 10am great Mass complete with choir and organ and then my mother used to offer a late lunch around 2pm and cook a lapin aux pruneaux (rabbit with plum) or a coq au vin. But since both my parents are not with us anymore I greet my friends with a large brunch (morning wife saver, ham, croissants and of course lot of pastries and Sauterne.
A real joyous occasion to slow down and catch up with family and friends.
Luc, that sounds like you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I think Thanksgiving is the most family day of all. It's really a good time to remember and give thanks for all that is ours. Happy holiday.:)
Luc, right back atcha. And to all the other Canadians here, I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.

Nancy, it's also all about the food for my family. It's sort of an occasion to eat turkey 'till you fall asleep.

However, it's also about the long weekend. Hey, one more day off is ALWAYS welcomed. :D

Happy Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving

As a grateful Canadian I offer what we did this Thankgiving weekend. My Father-in-law has multiple myeloma and after a five year remission we recently found out it has returned....

Enough said...for Thanksgiving, my daughter flew in from Vancouver, some friends came from Peterboro( 150 miles),
my son and family from Toronto( 100 miles) and my brother-in law from Toronto area. My side of the family came from the surounding area ( we never did get far in this world ) and all told we had about 22 people of all ages for dinner or drop in wishes.

Perhaps it is the last Thanksgiving we will share together but certainly it was one of the best. The prayer offered by my son had all in tears as we shared the moment together and in Faith.

God Bless All Canadians who share this Thanksgiving and to those of our US Friends who will feast at the end of November
special thoughts to you as well.....God Bless

jackc( Welland)
Jack your day says what I meant when I said Thanksgiving is the most 'family' day of all the holidays. When we can meet our loved ones and enjoy each other's company - no presents - no fireworks - just visiting and appreciating the love we share.

Prayers for your father-in-law.
Hi Jack

I just lost my brother in law to multiple myeloma last December. He was diagnosed in 1988 and did really well in spite of only being given 5 years to live. I'll send my prayers your way. I remember well our last Thanksgiving together. Family is a wonderful blessing


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