Happy Holidays & a VERY Happy and Healthy New Year !

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Hello Friends

I've just finished packing my case...I'm flying off to Houston, Texas tomorrow morning - leaving the horrible British weather behind.

I justed wanted to say thanks for all the support and help this year - it's a wonderful site. Anyone I come into contact with who has a valvereplacement, I make sure they know about this site before the end of the conversation.

Well, I would just like to wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

Look forward to chatting with you when I arrive home from the US (12th January. 2002).

Bye Bye - Jonathan
Have a nice trip!
The weather here is no fun either so I don't blame you for going elsewhere for a while; we have temperatures below -14°C (7°F) with well above a metre of snow!
The kids are happy though -- but they are basically the only ones :D .

This place is great and it's the great people that make it that.

Happy New Year to you too! Let us make it a healthy one :D !

All my best,

Hi Jessica

Thanks for your reply. Interestingly, the company I work for has its head office in Stockholm! The company name is: Elekta Medical Systems. I work for the Oncology division, which has its headquarters in the UK.

Anyway, thank you again and wishing you a healthy and happy New Year.

It's a small world...

It's a small world...

I once, if you can believe it, ran into a neighbour in the busy streets of Tokyo!!! It was pretty bisarre...

I am not all that familiar with the med tech companies although my brother works part-time as a toxicologist for Pharmacia.

Well, the best of luck for your trip! Hope the weather will be nice :D !

Have a good trip......

Have a good trip......

Hey Jonothan,

Have a good trip - well I hope your legs are not as long as mine cause those airline seats only seem to cater for 'japanese' length of legs.

You don't mention whether your trip is business or pleasure.......must be business, can't imagine anyone taking a holiday in Texas TeeHee. (I'll get it back for that remark)

Anyway as a fellow 'paleface' from the UK, just wanted to say 'Safe trip and Happy, Healthy 2002.

Billy in N. Ireland
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Hey Jonathan - have a good trip. Did you ever decide to see a physician while in Houston?

Think it's pretty cool in Houston (cousin lives there) and has been rainy, but should be pleasantly comfortable after UK.

Get up and walk around while in air, if they let you. You know, the circulation to the legs is very important, especially if they are long, like Billy says his are.

See ya when you get back, with news of your trip. God bless
Have a great Time Jonathan

Have a great Time Jonathan

Have a Happy Hogmanay Jonathan ...enjoy your trip and I hope you keep well during it .....wishing you only good things for 2002!
May you have a safe trip Jonathan. What is it you do in the oncology field?

Hensylee is right about getting up and walking around... you shouldn't sit still for overly long periods.

Take care and have a great time!

Loooooooooong Legs Hensylee

Loooooooooong Legs Hensylee

Hey Hensylee

So you thought I was short......well I'm only short when I'm standing beside my 'cute' friend Ben Smith. He measures around 6ft 7ins or maybe a bit more, and I'm a conservative 6ft 3ins.

Aircraft seats are not made for folks like us and it's all well and good to suggest walking around but sometimes the headroom isn't there either.

Why do I always get parked behind some 350 pounder who wants to push his seat back so that he's sitting on my lap? I think the airlines should take us tall folks into consideration, especially Delta and Aer Lingus. Lorraine.......you just don't know how lucky you are when it comes to air travel.
I sympathize with you, Billy. I am the only 'short' one in my family (5'6). My baby sister is 6' and they have to fold her to fit her in an airplane seat! Brother is 6'4, other sister is 5'10. You would think they would have a few graduated seats for tall folks but alas the bottom line says get as many seats in de plane as possible.