Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy, OUCH

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Who would EVER thought this was possible?
I test my INR every 2 weeks with the lab and my with monitor....and would believe since Sept. 2 the lab has come back at 3.0 and my monitor has read 3.3. That's 4 tests done that came back the same...unbelievable, I'm over joyed (won't dare tell you how long this took :redface2:)

For the "ouch" part; I went for my flu shot on Tuesday, no problems there. But as I was leaving the nurse stopped me saying that I was also due for my pneumococcal (pneumonia) vaccine, okay fine. came home with two sore arms. By evening, my right arm (where the pneumonia shot was given) was swollen, sore and I couldn't lift my arm pass my shoulder, little own move my fingers. Wednesday, my arm was much the same...come today I'm good as new, even better with these INR results.

Happy, Happy Joy, Joy
Just had to share some good news today:D
Hope all of you are having a similar day.

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So happy to hear this Freddie! Patience my dear.....patience!

I struggled for months & months with INR instability after my 3rd so I know how you're feeling!!! Thank goodness for our home monitors though!!! :)

There must have been something EXTRAin the flu shot this year because my arm was also so, so sore for days! Hope yours feels better soon!!! :)
The flu shot is all jacked up this year -- they threw in the kitchen sink so they wouldn't have to give 2 shots or more. We got our shots today. Mrs. Superbob has a sore arm. Superbob himself doesn't (but would he tell you if he did? :tongue2: ) Anyway we are both fine. Glad you had a good day, Freddie.
Cheers!!! Glad to hear you finally figured out how to get your INR straight.

Ouch !!! hehhehehhe... My arm was killing me for days after the pneumonia shot.

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