Happy Birthday Weekycat

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Happy Birthday Youngster!

You've had a tough year so lets let it go and start a brand new one with love and prayers for an ever increasing great year this time.

I hope you have many more in the years to come and I also hope you enjoy your birthday surrounded in love and family. ;)
Happy Birthday Jean! Have a wonderful day. Ross is right (of course :) , this is the start of a brand new year for you. I hope it is one of joy and healing.

Hey Jean,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many many more. Have A Great Day!


Keep your fires small!
Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude
HI JEAN......


Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Hope you have a wonderful day and may the rest of the year be just as good.
Thanks so much!

Thanks so much!

Nadi, Carbo, Ron, Evelyn, Ann, Dave, Steve, Betty, Jim, and especially "Rossy" for starting the thread, Thanks again! You made my day!! (My 6 year old was reading over my shoulder, I guess she pays attention to the VR.com board because she asked if "Rossy" had any new funny pictures), I got a kick out of that, I hope you did too, Ross!

All in all I had a pretty great birthday: I had a doctor appt. this morning to check out a "lump" I had discovered on my back. I really didn't think it was anything serious, but wanted it checked out anyway, the doctor said it's nothing, just a lipoma, which is just a benign fat deposit. I had done some research online and determined that that was what it probably was. (I'm getting pretty good at this stuff). So that was good news, WHEW!

And then I asked him about my thyroid, (which I just had tested), and he said I needed a "higher dose of thyroid medication" :confused: "Umm, I've NEVER been on thyroid medication in my life", I informed him. To this he replied, "Well, you need to be". Halleluja!! I thought I was going to have to convince him! I've put on so much weight in the last couple of years, it's not even funny, so I'm hoping this will help me take it off.

My step-daughter made it home safely from Mexico, she had gone on a missions trip to Zaragoza with her youth group, and they rode in a couple of vans all the way down there. One of them wasn't even air-conditined, yuck!! I haven't heard much about her adventures yet, since she's been sleeping since she got home.

Then my wonderful husband came home from work carrying a box with a dozen long-stemmed red roses in it for me! What a guy! He took me out to dinner, we stopped for a drink on the way home, and now I'm ready for bed.

I just KNOW this is going to be a GREAT year!!
Happy Belated Birthday, Jean! Of course we love you! Sorry this is late, I didn't see the post until just now. Hope you had a great day, and here's to many more happy birthdays!
Happy Birthday, Jean

Happy Birthday, Jean

Sorry I'm late - wasn't on yesterday due to that ever-irritating work thing, and then we dined out for our 30th anniversary.

Hope all goes well and this is a really great year for you.

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