Happy Birthday Too....

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Tobagotwo and Mara

I hope today is filled with love and every expectation is met to your standards. May you both have many more to celebrate in the years ahead. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tobagotwo and Mara

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tobagotwo and Mara

I hope you both have a Wonderful Day. :)
Take Care
Happy Birthday Tobagotwo and Mara!!!

Happy Birthday Tobagotwo and Mara!!!

Hope you both have many many birthdays filled with laughter and fun and all kinds of goodies :D :D :D

Have a great DAY!!!

Have a great DAY!!!

Hey Bob! Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoy every minute of it and find the time to truly express your joie de vivre !!! Aussitot.....votre chien est tres jolie!!
(this is HS french talking.........I know I'm missing an accent or two, but have NO idea where to find the little hat - which resembles a birthday hat!! on this keyboard. :eek: )

Mara. A happy birthday to you, too!!

:D Marguerite
Oui! Elle est très jolie et heureuse aussi! And, yes, that's my 35-year-old high-school French, as well. Do you remember Laughing Cow Cheese Bits? La vache qui rit. (The cow who laughs.)

I'll try to express some joie after I get the garbage and recycling out. Thank you all for your day-brighteners!

Best wishes,
Happy birthday, Bob and Mara. Mara, BTW, I'm still going to have that coffee with you sometime when I'm up in Indy. Take care and have a good day, both of you.

Hope you've both had a great day.

Best wishes
Anna : )
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOTH OF YOU! And, of course, may you have many, many more.

[Mara - I've been to Zionsville probably 6 times this past year, never saw you there. . . <g>]

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