Happy Birthday.Tobagotwo and Mara

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Ms. Mara better have her butt in her today. She hasn't been around since June. You know what that means? Good Spanking is due.

Happy Birthday Bob and Mara!


I hope you both have a Very Special Day and many more to come.
Take Care
Happy Birthday...and many more..

Happy Birthday...and many more..

Mara, Mara... where are you?!!

Mara, Mara... where are you?!!

Happy Birthday Bob and Mara.
Happy Birthday to you both, and many happy returns!

Be sure to treat yourself to something you enjoy today. :)
Bob you are one of my favorite posters! :) :) I hope you have a great day. Pretend I'm singing this to you:

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Bob
Happy Birthday to you.
And many, many more.

Mara, I hope you have a great day to. The song above is for you too!
Thank you all for your wonderful thoughts and wishes. I had to work late today, but Pat was waiting with a lobster when I got home. It was a glorious thing to bring be back to the land of the happy.

There are two cakes and some other thing in the fridge, but I don't think we'll get to any of it until tomorrow. I wish you all could come have some, as we'll never come close to finishing it.

Bless all of you,
Happy Birthday guys!!

Best wishes
Anna : )

PS - Bob, are you sure you can't stick a slice of that cake in an envelope and post it over? :p


:eek: :eek: Oops, I've just chatted with you and never said happy birthday! Sorry about that but I really didn't know it. Anyway Bob, I hope you have enjoyed yourself and that there are many more years to come.


Sorry Bob
This is a late one but happy belated Birthday. Have been to brussells for a break to visit my brother, Just needed to get out for abit. Did me good
But hey Happy b'day again to you and Mara
Never mind...... it was my dad's birthday on the 21st and we had a belated "birthday pavlova" yesterday. Lots of fresh fruit and cream - YUM :)
I was definitely obliged to have a slice in your honour :D

A : )