Hi everyone, haven't been on for a while
Hi everyone, haven't been on for a while
Thanks for the birthday wish. I had a very nice day for my Bday, we took a drive out to Half Moon Bay (near San Francisco) and it was a beautiful day not to hot but not cold like it often is at the beach during the summer months.
Haven't been on for a while due to a combination of things, the main being I had my other knee replaced in June and sitting at a computer for any length of time hurts, espically for the first month.
This knee was done with the MIS (Minimum Invasive) proceedure and is healing faster than the first one I had done in Dec 2003, so I was back at work faster (that and I had very little sick or vacation time). So after four weeks at home it was back to work, and we have been working like mad trying to get some 400 new computers installed before the fall school session starts, I have been coming home every eveining so pooped (and I only worked 6 hours) that I have been going straigt to bed. The new semester starter this past Monday so we can now relax a little before the next wave of new computer come in.
We are both doing well, Bob is scheduled to have his torn rotator cuff repared Sept 21, so I will probably be here getting some info on bridging his warfarin for the proceedure, as soon as we find out his DRS plans for bridging.