HAPPY BIRTHDAY Shirley & Gnusgal

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Well-known member
May 19, 2003
Sterling CO
Hey Shirley & Niki
I hope you both have a Wonderful Day!:)

Shirley, you are catching up with me.:D Congratulations on the BIG 50!;) and Niki, Congratulations on the Little 30!:)
Shirley is awake and doing well on her half century birthday; maybe she'll even stop by to read this thread. She is a student again, pursuing her degree in library, which keeps her more than busy; it's hard to go back to school so many years later. For her birthday she asked for and has received a set of five classical CDs for children, which she has received over the past five weeks: Beethoven Lives Upstairs; Mr. Bach Comes To Call; Hallelujah Handel!; Tchaikovsky Discovers America; Mozart's Magnificent Voyage. She'll be spending her birthday sitting in class.
Thanks. I don't mind turning the "little 30." I figure it means I made it this long... However, why do I still feel like I'm 24? ;)

Hey, Shirley, we have more than just our birthday in common! I just finished my degree in library science. :) I love being a librarian. Happy Birthday!

Thanks for the birthday greetings! It's good to have an excuse to check in with you folks.

WOW! Congratulations on turning 30!!! It should be a good year for you. And Congratulations on getting your degree! Today I am celebrating by writing 2 structured abstracts and going to my Health Science Information class. I am going to take a "treat" with to class. I would love to hear more from you later so we can talk library speak. Have a great day.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GNUSGAL & SHIRLEY! I hope you have a fantastic day! May you both have many more birthdays to celebrate!:cool:
Happy Birthday to you both!! Hope you all have a wonderful day!!