Happy Birthday Raverlaw!

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I am very happy to be wishing you a Happy Birthday! You're missed around this place, but I'm hoping you drop by at least long enough to read the well wishes!
Happy Birthday to our Happy Rower!

I'll have a glass of California Red in your honor tonight! :D
Happy Birthday Bill!!! Hope you're having a great day.

(See what happens when you're away for a while - we go and get all technicolour on you!!!)

Ill just add my 2 cents here...LOL Happy Birthday Raverlaw

Ill just add my 2 cents here...LOL Happy Birthday Raverlaw

Hope your having a great birthday, and I hope your enjoying your rowing!! Harrybaby :D :D :D

Hope you're having a great day!

Hope you're having a great day!

Happy Birthday Bill, from way up I-5! Hope you have a great day!

:D Marguerite

Did you put candles on your oarlocks? You should be out in a rowboat doing the real thing, this time of year. I used to row fast enough to troll, and caught quite a few good fish that way. Bet you could do even better.

I hope your birthday was great, and I hope you get to do a real celebration this weekend.

Very best birthday wishes,

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