Thank you all so much
Thank you all so much
You guys are the best. I love you all and thank you so much for the Birthday wishes. I?ve been really busy and not here much, but I think of you all often. Your birthday wishes mean a lot to me.
Ross, sweetie..... you silly guy. The old birthday suit isn?t what it used to be.

It?s been there for me through three pregnancies. (Ry was an 8 ½ lb baby!) He?s a darling child... I don?t mind the stretch mark one bit. As the babies grew up, they trampled, squeezed, tugged and stressed the old suit too. Then I fought cancer in my birthday suit.... and won!! So what?s a little scar? I?ve fought chronic heart failure in my birthday suit too... we?re still fighting that fight... but HEY.... I?m alive!! So in the whole scheme of things, my scars are who I am, and they don?t bother me.... but really, Rossman.... I think you?re looking for a younger, scarless birthday suit.
Jean! I would love a copy!! I?ve been so incredibly busy with the family and business that I haven?t even had time to copy mine for Hank yet. But I?m going to!! I have some fantastic pictures.
Marguerite, Christina, Harrybaby, Les, Lo-Rain (Right on, girlfriend!! Have a drink for me!), Dave, Jim, and my cousin Shirley!! (MI may be the only place colder than CO!) Rob (come by anytime!), Ross, Jean, Karlynn, Bonnie, and Janie (you know it's a bad sign when you have so many candles it melts the icing!!)

lol Thank you all so very much!