Happy Birthday, RAIN

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Happy Birthday, Rain

Happy Birthday, Rain

Happy Birthday, Cousin! :) We are related via all those other Fish 'ies'. :D You want to come visit MI to celebrate? ;)

Have a GREAT DAY!!!



I hope you have a Very Special Day and many more to come.
Take Care

Just wanted to wish you the best today on your birthday, and always! I will do a toast to you tonight at our Office Christmas party, in honour of your Birthday my friend! Hope you have a Healthy, Happy Birthday with many, manny more to come!

Red Hat Member Celebration!

Red Hat Member Celebration!

The greatest of days, Rain! Happy Birthday!
Happy B-day Rain!!

Happy B-day Rain!!

Hi Rain,

Couldn't let this special day pass without saying hello. I hope you have a wonderful day, and many happy and healthy ones to come!

One of these years I'll get out that way and be sure to say hello.

Your heart pal,
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Hope you're having a great day! I always enjoy reading your posts.

Happy Birthday Rain! :)

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Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday!!

Rain, I hope you are having the happiest, most wonderful birthday down there in stunningly beautiful SW Colorado!!

Here's to many, many more!!

Christina L.
Happy Birthday...

Happy Birthday...

Happy Birthday "Rain Dear"!!

Get it? (I thought of that when I saw your new avatar)

I hope you have a great birthday. I do have a present for you...I made a copy of the pics and video clips I took in Golden...including "The Beat Goes on video". I'll get it in the mail for you soon. :)
Hippy, Hippy Birthday Girlfriend...

Hippy, Hippy Birthday Girlfriend...

Hope today's the most wonderful day of your life....! And I baked this cake just for you.. Did I get the amount of candles right? :eek:
Thank you all so much

Thank you all so much

You guys are the best. I love you all and thank you so much for the Birthday wishes. I?ve been really busy and not here much, but I think of you all often. Your birthday wishes mean a lot to me.

Ross, sweetie..... you silly guy. The old birthday suit isn?t what it used to be. :p It?s been there for me through three pregnancies. (Ry was an 8 ½ lb baby!) He?s a darling child... I don?t mind the stretch mark one bit. As the babies grew up, they trampled, squeezed, tugged and stressed the old suit too. Then I fought cancer in my birthday suit.... and won!! So what?s a little scar? I?ve fought chronic heart failure in my birthday suit too... we?re still fighting that fight... but HEY.... I?m alive!! So in the whole scheme of things, my scars are who I am, and they don?t bother me.... but really, Rossman.... I think you?re looking for a younger, scarless birthday suit. :p

Jean! I would love a copy!! I?ve been so incredibly busy with the family and business that I haven?t even had time to copy mine for Hank yet. But I?m going to!! I have some fantastic pictures.

Marguerite, Christina, Harrybaby, Les, Lo-Rain (Right on, girlfriend!! Have a drink for me!), Dave, Jim, and my cousin Shirley!! (MI may be the only place colder than CO!) Rob (come by anytime!), Ross, Jean, Karlynn, Bonnie, and Janie (you know it's a bad sign when you have so many candles it melts the icing!!) :eek: lol Thank you all so very much!
Ross said:
Birthday Suit? Pics? What? :D

Ross, I guess we can't blame a guy for trying. But there just isn't enough oxygen in the world to get you through Rain and I in our birthday suits. Heck, I need a shot of O2 just to get me past my bathroom mirror on the way to the shower. Ah, but there was a day when..... :rolleyes:
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to our 4 Corners Friend! Many, Many More!!!

John & Joann
Still Clicking in Ohio

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