Thank you all for the ‘Birthday Wishes’. It has been a year of trials. Trials can be good, for they cause us to slow down and just live one day at time. The endocarditis is now gone, a pace maker has been put in. Quivering in my chest continues periodically, but they feel it is not heart related. I was informed the last day in the hospital that there was a small spot on my lungs, and that I would need a CT scan in 3 months to see if it had got any bigger. I had that CT scan 2 weeks ago … good news, the spot is gone … bad new … I now have two additional spots.
I told one of our VR members in a private message, that I have just thrown up my hands. What are you going to do? It is like my Dad said, “ You have to play the hand your dealt.” I am being referred to a pulmonologist, where they will most likely do another CT scan then wait six months, and do another to see if they disappear or grow in size. I would not even be bothered much about any of this, if not for the random quivering in my chest.
I am sure I will be fine. So many of you have been through the ringer in a real bad way, so I have no right to whine at all. I have been very blessed and accept what ever comes my way.
Thanks again for the birthday wishes, and prayers, and good thoughts. Your friend … Mark