HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gnusgal & Shirley

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Well-known member
May 19, 2003
Sterling CO
Happy Birthday, Niki and Shirley. I hope you both have a Very Special Day and many more to come. :)
Take Care
Happy birthday to both of you. Wishing you a year filled with blessings.
Happy Birthday Niki and Everyone.

Happy Birthday Niki and Everyone.

Wishing You all the best on your birthdays. I hope it's filled with laughter and fun, and peace and most of all Joy. Happy Birthday From Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Happy Birthday girls!!! Hope this is a specail day for both of you and you have many many more to come!!! Treat yourself to something special.....you deserve it!!!
Happy birthday Niki and Shirley...hope ya'll are having a great day!

Birthday Girls

Birthday Girls

Happy Birthday NIKI,

Thanks for sharing the day with me!

Birthday Girls

Birthday Girls

Thanks everyone for all the good wishes on my birthday. It is beautiful and sunny here in MI. All your cheery greetings have made my day even sunnier.

Happy B-Day

Happy B-Day

Happy Birthday Shirley and Niki! Hope this was a great birthday and many more to come!

I hope you both had a wonderful birthday! Best wishes and many more!

Has anyone ever thought about why there are so many birthdays in October????

Just curious because I've gotta theory on it (mine was the 22nd.)

I know a LOT of people who all have birthdays in October, it's almost freaky. I'm not even the only one in the editorial office here at the paper that was born in October. One of the reporter's celebrates his on the 31st. His mom sent a Mardi Gras cake from some special mailorder cake company for the editorial office staff to share.

LOTS of October birthdays.... :D
My theory is that it's really cold and dreary in much of the country nine months prior to October. :D
Ok Bryan...What's Your Theory On...

Ok Bryan...What's Your Theory On...

What's your theory on those of us who have their birthdays right smack in the middle of June??? :D :D Not that I mind, I love having mine in June...I just wanted to see what kind of theory you could come up with for that one..LOL Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Thanks everyone for the happy birthday wishes. Today was pretty much like any other day... Long, exhausting, and typical... But, hey, at least I'm still here to tell about it! :D

Sherry, it's a pleasure sharing the day with you. Happy Birthday!