Happy birthday Christian

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I hope you have a great day. Also, how is that little guy doing?
Girls he's plum forgot his birthday. His life is wrapped up in the little one now! :D

Happy Birthday Christian and may you have many many more to celebrate.
Ross said:
Girls he's plum forgot his birthday. His life is wrapped up in the little one now! :D

Happy Birthday Christian and may you have many many more to celebrate.

I have numerous problems, but forgetfulness isn't one of them. :)

Colin is fantastic. He hit 5 months on the 15th, and we love him to death. He's a saucer-eyed curious little fellow who babbles constantly but can't yet do much physically because his head is too big for the rest of his body. As far as we're concerned, he's perfect.

Jill is still doing great -- she went back to work three weeks ago and Colin started day care in my company's facility. It was sad, but we can (and do) drop in to play with him whenever we want so it hasn't been much of an adjustment.

We're off to Cleveland in 2 weeks for Jill's final pregnancy-related echo and we're hopeful that it will confirm that nothing changed at all. If that's the case, we might try for another in 2006....

Thanks for the "happy birthdays." It's certainly going to be a happy one for me.
I wish you a world of happiness as you celebrate your first birthday as a daddy.

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