HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Billy & Jennifer

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December birthdays

December birthdays


We have LOTS of December birthdays! Happy birthday everyone.

I used to hate my birthday being in December. Now I'm just happy to have one!

Hensylee!! (and Rain too!)

Thanks for the birthday wish here! :D It took me a little while to stumble on it, but better late than never!! I was taking a nice six or seven month break from posting here, the whole subject was really getting me down. Not a terribly good birthday, though. I was at Mayo Clinic awaiting news of my fate (I had my six-month tests plus doctor and surgeon appointments the following day). Looks like my number (the big Slice and Dice) is coming up soon. :( Stay tuned for details....

Bummer Birthday

Bummer Birthday


Sorry to hear you had a bummed out birthday.

I hope your surgery is soon. Life is so much easier when you have it behind you.

Stay in touch,
Thanks Rain!

I am almost "looking forward" to surgery - to getting it behind me and moving on to a "normal" life. I'm so tired of having this hanging over my head. Besides, do I really have a choice?! And now that it might be a repair or a no-drug tissue - WOW! these are options that I never dreamed of!

I picked up a little jog-meter (for measuring how far I walk), and I'm gonna get some cocoa butter for the scar (thanks RobThats Him!), and a year from now, watch out, I'll be better than new!!

I hope you're doing well, and your son too. Keep an eye on him....!
