5 Years... but hey.. Who's Counting! <smile>
5 Years... but hey.. Who's Counting! <smile>
Hello Everyone,
I thought about posting today for some time,...you know writing how good it is to be alive, etc. ....
Well, just signing in here today, and seeing everyones kind words got me all emotional and teary eyed. Thank you all!
Overall, I have had overall a healthy year. I feel great, and will be going in for my annual physicals over the next few weeks.
I have had several incidents of Atrial Flutter. Fortunately, I have not had to be paddled back into rhythm, and have been able to come out of these on my own. But... WOW.. that first time scared me! I wrote you about this earlier this year.
Ben, thanks for the post... You got me! I am looking forward to having you and your son come to Nashville. I am sure we will find many many reasons to keep toasting all weekend long!
Ross, Yes... I do think about it often. I just let the thought come in, and let it pass. I try not to dwell on it. Since it happened after I fed my dogs... every morning after feeding them, I think that that one day.. I just had to drop to the floor..WOW...Get that thought outta my head fast!
Karlynn.. thank you for your kind words.. I love the pic of the fox. Wildlife is fantastic to be a part of.
Gina, Please.... if you and the family ever make it to Nashville in the future, call me! We would love to meet up and have dinner. Hope things are well with you, and that you and the family are in good health!
Ann you are so right.. I visit the site several times a day and read. There are so many fine folks helping each other here, and many provide the latest in medical updates for our situations. I reply to those that I feel I can help, but mostly I read these days. I love the warm way you welcome all the new members to our group! You are a very caring person.
Hank.. Thanks... Thanks- Nuff Said !! ... Your site is a very special gift to so many people! You're the man!
Now... let's see if we can beat the mortality odds... I plan on busting the average life span after my kind of surgery!
Wishing you all good health,