HANK! I am wondering?

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Where you are?:D Hope all is well with you and yours. We miss you!. Pop in to say hello sometime;) You too Michelle!
I'm here!

I'm here!

Hey Gina,

I am here - just stuck in the doldrums of 15 hour workdays again. Michelle has no excuse though :D .

I check in every day though - almost.

Sleep is the quest...

He's lurking, lol

He's lurking, lol

Just kiddin'....beleive me, I know what you feel like. Your hard work and dedication will pay off. Hang in there!
Re: Sleep?

Re: Sleep?

Johnny Stephens said:
What is this "sleep" I keep seeing people refer to? Sounds like something I should try sometime. :eek:
If you ever find out, let me know. I would like to try some of it myself.
Nah, Sleep is over-rated. Work, however, is also over-rated. My wife keeps reminding me that nobody ever has a deathbed thought of "I wish I had spent more time working. . . "

On the other hand, Hank, I'm sure you are planning on striking a balance when the opportunity finally materializes. Hope it is sooner rather than later!
Hi all

Hi all

Hi I am here too. Just busy with life. I cart 5 kids to 3 different school locations, plus homeschooling inbetween. then there is piano, ballet, church callings, errands.. you all know the drill. But we are doing great! I will try to pop in more frequently though.

This site is my homepage so I think of you all everyday!
Michelle make the old man get you a better picture for your avatar or make a new one from the reunion pictures. The one you have up now does no justice to you. ;) :)
Hey Hank and Michelle,
Glad to hear you guys are doing OK! I was also wondering about the two of you.;)
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
hi hank and michelle!
great to hear that all is well in your house!
i love it when you drop in from time to time.... and , yes, ross is right, michelle, that photo does not do you justice!!!
take good care of those kiddies!!! be well, sylvia
Surrender is not in my creed! :D

Hope you two aren't angry. The picture you had up Michelle, simply needed to be updated with a little higher quality replacement. Some of the reunion shots looked good and I'm sure you two have others. I mean after all, here we are in the digital age, so why shouldn't you have a high resolution digital picture posted? :)
Hank & Michele,

Good to see your smiling faces. I understand about the long work hours! I too don't get to post all the time, but I do try to keep up on reading whats going on. Hang in there! Yeah, Michele, you need a better photo. This one does not do you justice! Take care and God Bless