Hair Loss?

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Did anyone loose or has lost, a lot of hair due to being on Coumadin? Did your hair type change? Mine went from healthy to super-super fine and on top of that...changed color!!! I thought I was loosing my marbles untill a hair stylist said that it was normal.
I've thinned a bit over the years. Don't know if it's due to the Coumadin or just getting older. I always want to blame everything on Coumadin, so I guess that gets my vote.
I wasn't on coumadin very long when I began to notice hair loss. Some people say it stops after awhile but mine hasn't. It is gradually getting thinner and thinner. Fortunatly I had lots of hair. If my INR gets too high hair comes out. Visably. When my INR goes down it quits. I wish I could stop it.
I worry that I will lose all of my hair. I am ultra sensitive to coumadin and all meds so I think that I have had most all of the side effects. I thought I was going to go nutty until I found this site way back when it began.
I had a few bald spots on and around the back of my head when I came out of the hospital in April, 2003 after my "TVR" (most people say AVR for Aortic Valve so Replacement I figure I can replace the A with a T for Tricuspid!)

I kinda freaked a little when I discovered it (my first real haircut post-surgery) and when I got home I looked up all my meds for symptoms of hairloss. It's listed on Coumadin, but it's a "lesser" side-effect so it doesn't always appear and can vary in "severity" from person to person, if it shows up at all.

My hair grew back in time for my wedding which was about 5 months later.

I do have a LOT more grey now than I did before I had surgery. I don't think that's a coumadin thing, but it is kinda funny when I think about it...

The old addage that stress causes your hair to turn white.

Well, I seem to be living proof of it. Got grey (almost white really) hairs all over my scalp and in my goatee... I'll be 31 in less than a month...

Oh well. :D
It's been 4 years and my hair is still super-thin-fine and still falls out.So...I'm thinking if and when I go bald, I'll either buy a wig or brazen it out.It was humbling to learn how vain I was about my hair when I didn't feel I was untill it started to go! :)
I had a little hair loss, but whether it was from the Coumadin or from surgical stress, who knows?
I've had some hair loss with each surgery I've had. First one was when I was a high school senior. Lost at least a nickel-size plug of hair near the top of my head. Fortunately, I had very long hair and could arrange my hair over the spot. It grew back w/out problems.

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