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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,

Just wanted to write and ask for help in trying to understand the guilt I have been feeling since Sunday night when I hit a young doe and she had to be put down. I am not a hunter and never have been as I love animals too much, and I know that even though I couldn't have avoided this horrible accident, it still does not make me feel very good. How can I forgive myself and know that the doe is out of suffering when she was so young and was just starting out...I don't mean to sound sappy, but I am a definite animal lover and would never intentionally do anything to harm them...Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated..Thanks, Harrybaby666:( :( :( :(
I'm really sorry to hear of your accident. I can really sympathise, since I'm an animal lover myself. I don't know if this will make you feel any better but, but I had heard from several people that the deer population is really heavy this year, really too over-populated for the good of the deer, and because of that, there have been more than an average number of car accidents due to deer. In fact, my husband and I almost hit 2 deer when coming home last weekend from visiting our son at college. 2 deer just bounded out of a field and across the interstate we were driving on, right in front of us. Fortunately Glenn has very quick reflexes and checked the rear-view mirror to make sure no one was right behind us and then applied the brakes.

There are many things that cause wildlife to not make it to adulthood. My kids found a baby bird in our back yard when they were little. We called the local wildlife sanctuary and a person who worked there told us just to do what we felt was right, but to remember that only 1 in 10 birds actually makes it to adulthood in the wild.

I don't know if any of this helps ease your guilt, but try not to feel too guilty. It's a good thing that the doe wasn't hurt less, only to make it back into the wilderness and die more painfully or slowly because of it's injuries. Being able to be put down quickly was certainly better than that.

Hey deer jump out of no where and most often for no reason. I see many of them get hit and I've seen people hurt as a result including one death. I wouldn't beat myself up over it. It was it's time and that is all there is to that. Don't mourn it. Thank your lucky stars that your alright.
Huntin season is nearly here so the population will be reduced. It is always a problem about hitting them (here in our area) and much damage is suffered, not just the deer, but the driver of the car and passengers. I know you feel bad, but Harry, you didn't do it on purpose. Someone once said to me, after I said "I'm sorry" - did you do it on purpose? I said no. That person said - then no apology is necessary. Nor guilt, either.
Dear Harry:

My daughter, when she was 18, and a very very good driver, had three of her friends in her car, and was on her way home. When she took the off ramp from the interstate, a deer ran in front of her car, she hit the deer after braking very hard. I thank God every time I think of this event, as this happens to so many people, who do not live to tell the tale. There were four 18 year olds, getting ready to graduate from High School. It could have been a horrific tragedy, and instead, it was an injured deer, and four upset young ladies. Unlike you, my daughter never felt guilty, just grateful.

We are grateful that you are here to tell the tale.

I know how you feel. It's a terrible thing, but you couldn't help it. Unfortunately, animals and roads do not get along so well. It's not your fault. If you could have, you would have avoided the situation. Deer are fast and come out of no where, usually when we are tired or take our eyes off the road for 1 second.

There's nothing you could have done Harry. Try not to let it bother you too much because these things happen all the time and at least you are human enough to feel something. Many are not; they shrug and move on. Respect for all life is a wonderful thing to cherish.

I'm glad you weren't hurt.
Hi Harry-

I would have felt the same way. It is very sad to see any living thing injured in any way. I know it would take me a long time to get over it too. We all have a space in this world. I even rescued an injured bat before my cats got ahold of it. Got a shovel, let it hop on and put it on a tree branch where it promptly hung upside down to recover. I have also hung an empty basket in a small tree so I can put any baby birds who have fallen out of the nest, into it. They are prime targets for my cats. The bird parents will hover around and feed the little one, and then coax it to fly when it's able.

It wasn't your fault, it just happened. You could have been seriously injured or killed also. Many times the deer go through the windshield injuring themselves, and those inside.

Maybe make a donation to an animal charity like Pet Rescue in it's memory, or donate some food or money to the local "no kill" animal shelter.
Thanks Guys

Thanks Guys

Thanks for all your support and good idea's to help get past this. as soon as I have some extra money (like that's gonna happen soon..ha!) I will make a donation. I do have to tell you that what is helping me is my cat, bandit. When I came home he took right to me for his "affection period" and that has seemed to help. I guess I will get past it, but it is hard. Thanks again for all your help...Harrybaby666:D
Harry, it happens! You won't find an animal lover worse than I am! I have 2 cats and 3 dogs. All foundlings! We live in the country so we are constantly on the lookout for the critters. Even so, my Husband and I have hit deer. The one that hit me just came out of nowhere and landed on my hood. Thank goodness he didn't hit my windshield! My husband hit one on the interstate and he really felt bad. We went back to see if the deer was dead or injured. I would hate to think of an injured deer suffering. We live on 12 acres and have found several deer carcasses that must have gotten hit and run into our fields and died. It's horrible! But life goes on. My only consolation is that they donot understand the idea of death as we do so maybe it's not such a terrible thing for them if they do not suffer. I was told that they go into shock and don't feel anything. I don't know if I buy that but I would like to believe it! Chin up!!
Thanks Cookie

Thanks Cookie

Hi Cookie,

Thank you for your heart-felt words of encouragement and wisdom..I guess that I will get through it and as I have mentioned to others I feel better that the doe was out of suffering and pain, even though my heart is broken for the simple fact that I am such an animal lover. I will say that I am able to take comfort in my pet Bandit, as I think for some unearthly reason that he sensed that something was wrong, and he has been right by my side since Sunday. I am the type of person who hurts for animals the same way and at the same level as I do when I lose a family member or close friend. It's just something that the man upstairs must have thought I could use and appreciate. Once again, thanks again and I hope all is well with you and yours Take Care. Harrybaby666:D :D :D
Harry, I second what Kevin M said.

I'm glad you're alright, and I'm glad that you care. Animals are people too.

Happy trails.
Cool! Another AWSOME Animal Lover!!!

Cool! Another AWSOME Animal Lover!!!

Hi Bunny,

I am alright thanks, I am still really feeling hurt, but it's getting better because I have my cat Bandit to help me..he has been right by my side for the past couple of days. Thanks for caring, Harrybaby666:D :D :D


As a Buddhhist I can understand your feelings and position well. Since you have killed a being...go help a being. You may even consider this an inventation to volunteer in the pediatrics cardiology dept? As such a Karmic ballance will then be restored.

Hi Med

Hi Med

Hi Medtronic,

Thanks for your wisdom and encouragement. I do help others when I can and I have helped in the past, so I guess I should feel a little better, but it's still hard. I will do what I can in the future as I have always done. Thanks again. Harrybaby666:D :D :D

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