guys need not answer...girl question!!

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Active member
Jan 28, 2008
Temecula, CA
I cant tell yet if there is a correlation but, I have read on this blog that coumadin increases your menstration. Could it also decrease it? I am still waiting for my first period post surgery, now that I am on coumadin, but to no avail.......I am not pregnant(tubal ligation 1990).

I also wonder if heart surgery can trigger the change of life? I wouldn't think it would be that quick though.......

Any thoughts would be helpful...
You're body is all kinds of out of whack right now. So I wouldn't worry too much just yet. After my valve replacement I started lactating! :eek: And I've never been pregnant, so it was a little odd. Also, are you on any other meds? They could change your cycle too. If you go two months without a period (and you know you're not pregnant), that's when I might see a doctor (at least, that's what my PCP said when I skipped a period about a year ago).

Good luck!
Just remember stress can affect hormones and cause missed periods. And your body has been through ALOT of stress! As far as surgery triggering menopause, I doubt it. I WISH it did! I can't wait for that to happen! I had my AVR at age 44. I am now 48 and still as 'regular' as ever.
hope for you all

hope for you all

I am 52; menstruated normally until about age 48, then one month, NOTHING .... and nothing since ! just stopped .....gotta love it !

and yeah, your body has been through a lot of stress, and one of the first things to "give" is menstruation - a missed period or one every 6 weeks or a mini one would not worry me for a wee while. Maybe mention it to the doc next time you are there, but I certainly wouldn't go running to complain about it ;) and not to scare you or anything, but tubal ligation (like any other birth control method) is not 100% guaranteed . . . .
Hi. I had the same thing happen, I had like no periods for some months post op. I'm 48 and was hoping it would be the end for me, even though my mom & sisters didn't have menopause until their 50's (heck, I was born the month before my mom turned 47 :eek: ).

Anyway, after about 6 months my period came back normal as anything again. I have an IUD so thankfully I didn't worry about pregnancy during that time. I was starting to dream about no more periods and getting the IUD out but no luck yet, sigh.

I wish you all the best in your continued recovery!

I had a very light period that began in the hours after surgery, even though it wasn't due for a couple of weeks. I was still in ICU, still hooked to the cath, and thought it had slipped out and was leaking when I felt wet. I called the nurse to check and she told me I was menstruating! Stress just does weird things.
I agree with all the above. I have'nt been right for so many years. I have one here and there. I don't notice any more bleeding when I do have them. Iv'e been on warafin for almost two years. My poor body has gone through so much that I don't know if things will ever be normal again. Well, I could be going through the change also.:eek: Hope everybody help you with answering some questions.
I started my period a few days after my surgery, and that was after just having it a few days before my surgery. The nurses said that was common. I think It was the first day I was up and moving around in the hospital. It was almost four months after my surgery before I had another one(I didn't miss it), and that was only because my Dr. insisted on giving me something to start it.
I wasn't the one that had OHS, it was my son. I am only 42, but since my son's surgery I have only had a few periods and have had hot flashes etc. Stress will do wild things to your body. I imagine that what you have been through will really mess with your hormones.
I wouldn't be too worried at this stage, probably just a missed cycle due to the stresses of OHS. Enjoy the break while it while it lasts.


Hey Tina, well I've been wanting to ask this question for a few weeks now and haven't been brave enough. I'm 9 weeks now and finally started my cycle today! I was starting to think I'd get lucky and the surgery would throw me into menopause and no more periods, but no such luck. Debbie :)