Gun Recoil

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Preface: People who do not enjoy my willingness to test limits, please read no further... (This includes people posting about why I should not participate in this sport)

That said, hunting season is right around the corner and that means bringing out the big guns, literally. Since coumadin stole my favorite past time of paintball, I guess this will have do till the aspirin-trial comes to the US. This is my first season with coumadin and as such I have a few questions:

1. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good recoil pad?

2. What caliber rifle has the best knock-down power vs. recoil (force/velocity)?

3. Is a muzzle-break worth the extra noise?

Here in Jersey, i am limited to Shotguns only so i'll have to where a pillow :). But in PA and NY where I also hunt, I can use a rifle.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

What are you huntng?

What are you huntng?

Moo said:
Preface: People who do not enjoy my willingness to test limits, please read no further... (This includes people posting about why I should not participate in this sport)

That said, hunting season is right around the corner and that means bringing out the big guns, literally. Since coumadin stole my favorite past time of paintball, I guess this will have do till the aspirin-trial comes to the US. This is my first season with coumadin and as such I have a few questions:

1. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good recoil pad?

2. What caliber rifle has the best knock-down power vs. recoil (force/velocity)?

3. Is a muzzle-break worth the extra noise?

Here in Jersey, i am limited to Shotguns only so i'll have to where a pillow :). But in PA and NY where I also hunt, I can use a rifle.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

Someone started a thread on this several months ago. Unless you are
hunting elephants or using an M50, we were all of the same opinion that if the gun is held properly(tight against the shoulder) the recoil should be no problem.
Hope you bag your limit. :)
Please remove all the venison they'll let you hunt for here in Jersey. Unfortunately, it's agin the law to use a firearm in this town, but if it weren't, I'd have an eight-point buck waiting for your tender mercies, nicely fattened on flowers, tomato plants, and hostas. He'll just wind up getting hit by a car.

I'm totally in favor of "real" hunting, not those death squad maneuvers with a bunch of overeager off-duty law enforcement officers blasting away at lured, hungry animals.

With a good pad, how bad could it be? Some folks don't seem to bruise much more easily than they did before Coumadin.

Good fortune with this.
So far so good.

So far so good.

Sounds encouraging. My girlfiend lives in Bridgewater and they are a pain there, hopefully I can bowhunt there.

Thanks guys,
Your answers from AZ.

Your answers from AZ.

Moo said:
Preface: People who do not enjoy my willingness to test limits, please read no further... (This includes people posting about why I should not participate in this sport)

That said, hunting season is right around the corner and that means bringing out the big guns, literally. Since coumadin stole my favorite past time of paintball, I guess this will have do till the aspirin-trial comes to the US. This is my first season with coumadin and as such I have a few questions:

1. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good recoil pad?

2. What caliber rifle has the best knock-down power vs. recoil (force/velocity)?

3. Is a muzzle-break worth the extra noise?

Here in Jersey, i am limited to Shotguns only so i'll have to where a pillow :). But in PA and NY where I also hunt, I can use a rifle.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.


Hi Rich,

I asked my husband to give you some help on the above. I knew he could give you all the answers you needed. He's the expert in Guns, Rifles, Shotguns etc. and any Ammo you can think of.

Q. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good recoil pad.
A. Limb Saver.

Q. What caliber rifle has the best knock-down power vs recoil (force/velocity)
A. 260
A2 7mm-08

Q. Is a muzzle-break worth the extra noise?
A. Yes - Wear electronic ear muffs.

Q. Here in Jersey, I am limited to Shotguns only so I'll have to wear a pillow. But in PA and NY where I also hunt, I can use a rifle.
A. Wear a Past pad. The new 20 gauge ammo is great with less recoil.

Any further questions or info please e-mail to [email protected]
Be happy to help you out.

Happy hunting,
Hi Rich,

I hunt in TN and in Maine. I use mostly rifle, a 270 Ruger Ultra-lite, and on occasion for fun will shoot clays with my 12 gage.

I hunted only 8 months after my surgery, and did not have any problems from being on Coumadin.

Hey, is cold out there right... You should be wearing some heavy clothing, and also will help with recoil.

I really don't think you will have any problems, enjoy the woods, and good luck with your hunt!

I don't know about you, but I sure look at the beauty of the outdoors allot differently now than before my surgery. Every day out there is special.

RobThatsMe said:
I don't know about you, but I sure look at the beauty of the outdoors allot differently now than before my surgery. Every day out there is special.

Man isn't that the truth! I called my brother begging him to take me squirrel hunting just so I could sit in the woods as the sun came up. I can't even do that now and that is something I would have loved to do once more.

Moo I can tell you this much, don't take a double side by side and pull both triggers at the same time. The recoil pad did nothing to help me then! :eek:
allodwick said:
To say nothing of what happened to the squirrel!!
Ah, nothing got hurt except for my shoulder. we hadn't seen anything all day so we just had to waste some pop cans. My finger slid right off the first trigger and nailed the second just as the gun fired. Felt like I dislocated the sucker and black and blue for along time after.
Whitetail deer

Whitetail deer

I live on a Preserve with a herd of 200 whitetail deer.They were born here..I see several everyday in my yard..road, ect..They are NOT afraid of people or cars.. They RULE..anyone crazy enough to plant flowers they love..should know better.. I have beautiful Hosta..Those stinkers know when we are gone overnight..Will come up to front porch and eat them.....Now, we are seeing many new Bambi's..They are so cute..spotted....See them more in the lower roads..that are shaded with lake, ferns..That's where they are born.. I wonder if they know how lucky they are...Sign at our entrance..NO firearms, ect....Ross, come visit me and I will let you sit on my front porch swing and throw rocks at the squirrels eating my bird feed.. :p Bonnie


first off dont let coumadin take away paintball i played today. Just have a couple of bruises to show for it just wear a full helment. Also put some extra padding on sternum which i forgot and took one right where my drain tubes came out.

2nd I just bagged a deer with a 270 did it kick well i dont remember because i was so excited. The point is you wont feel it if you know what Im talking about.
I played paintball a few years ago and didn't really have a problem. The red circles were there, but the bruising was no worse than what I get when a run into the counter, dresser, nightstand, table, desk, etc., etc., etc. It was rather cold and windy out so I had on a jacket and jeans.


Hi Rich,

I don't hunt or shoot as much as I used to, but use a PAST pad. The PAST I use simply straps on my shoulder and suplements the pads on my rifles and shotguns. Some of my rifles don't have recoil pads. I really haven't noticed much increase in bruising since starting coumadin. I used the PAST pad for target and clay shooting before my heart surgery.

My favorite hunting rifles are 300 mags (H&H and Win), but that's way more than you need in the eastern US.


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