In looking around the internet it seems like they say the things that increase the risk is gum disease. I guess I'll be getting a bottle of Listerine now after reading this thread. They say even the strongest prescription only mouthwashes reduce the bacteria by only 50% or so - but anything helps I suppose.
Q: Antibiotic prophylaxis for those with MVP is required before a dental appointment due to risk that the bacteria in the mouth could enter the bloodstream and thereby potentially infect the mitral valve leading to endocarditis.
My question is: What if one bites her lip, accidentally cuts her mouth, or her gums bleed when brushing or flossing? Is there risk of endocarditis in these situations--where blood and bacteria-ridden saliva mix?
Answer Posted By: CCF CARDIO MD JMF on Saturday, September 18, 1999
Not to scare you but there is always a low level of bacteria in our blood strean that our body defends against. However, these incidents do not cause large overwhelming bacteria in the blood stream that may increase the liklihood of endocarditis.
How Can Gum Disease Affect My Overall Health?
The current theory is that bacteria present in infected gums can come loose and move throughout the body. The same bacteria that cause gum disease and irritate our gums might travel to your arteries.
Researchers are unsure what causes the bacteria to become mobile, but it has been suggested that bacteria can be dislodged and enter the bloodstream during tasks as simple as brushing, flossing or even chewing.
Research shows that risk varies according to the level of gum infection. The worse the infection, the more likely the bacterial are to become blood-borne. Infected gums bleed, making it easier for bacteria to enter your bloodstream. If bacteria become dislodged, the bacteria enter through cuts or sores in your mouth and travel to other parts of the body through your bloodstream.
Once bacteria reaches the arteries, they can irritate them in the same way that they irritate gum tissue. This could cause arterial plaque to accumulate in the arteries; which can cause hardening and affect blood-flow.
Compromised blood-flow to your heart can cause a heart attack. Also, arterial plaque can come loose and travel to other parts of the body. If blockage occurs in the brain, it can cause a stroke.
Your dentist may use a special rinse before a dental procedure to neutralize these bacteria, but your best protection is to maintain a healthy mouth.
Phillips says that flossing below the gum line, brushing, rinsing with over-the-counter mouth washes or using a WaterPik oral irrigator will help reduce the amount of bacteria by making the environment less hospitable for the destructive microorganisms that cause gingivitis. These steps are not enough, however. Phillips recommends regular evaluation and professional cleaning using tools that remove bacteria-containing plaque and clean tooth roots. These steps will help remove bacteria-containing plaque from below the gum line. Prescription rinses containing chlorhexedine can help clear up severe gingivitis, he says, and a new antimicrobial toothpaste additive, called triclosan, may provide increased protection from periodontal disease.
Plaque. It is more than just a sticky, colorless film that forms on your teeth. Plaque is home to colonies of microscopic, potentially disease producing bacteria that live in everyone's mouth. In fact, bacteria make up 98% of plaque.
Plaque also is the cause of gum disease, which will, in some form, affect three out of four Americans and is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults, according to the National Institute of Dental Research. Gum disease begins when plaque bacteria form in colonies in hidden crevices below the gumline where toothbrush bristles cannot touch.
Mouthwashes. The value of many mouthwashes is highly controversial. Many have only temporary antibacterial value. Some can even harm the mucus membrane and they can be dangerous to children who drink them. Those that are considered plaque fighters are chlorhexidine and Listerine, which is available over the counter.
Chlorhexidine (Peridex or PerioGard) is available by prescription only. It reduces plaque by 55% and gingivitis by 30% to 45%. Patients should rinse for one minute twice daily. They should wait at least 30 minutes between brushing and rinsing since chlorhexidine can be inactivated by certain compounds in toothpastes. It has a bitter taste. It also binds to tannins, which are in tea, coffee, and red wine, so it has tendency to stain teeth in people who drink these beverages.
Listerine is composed of essential oils and is available over the counter. It reduces plaque and gingivitis, when used for 30 seconds twice a day. It leaves a burning sensation in the mouth that most people better tolerate after a few days of use. Some people might object to or have concerns about the high alcohol content in the standard version. Other forms of Listerine that have a different taste and lower alcohol content retain the same active ingredients and appear to be as effective. The usual regimen is to rinse twice a day. Generic equivalents are available.
Mouthwashes containing cetylpyridinium (Scope, Cepacol) and stannous fluoride and amine fluoride (Meridol) have some effect on plaque. None are as effective as Listerine or chlorhexidine, but they may still have some value for people who cannot tolerate the other mouthwashes.
In spite of claims for Plax, some studies report that Plax offers no better protection against plaque or periodontal disease than does rinsing with water. Even Advanced Formula Plax, which may show a minor reduction in plaque levels, does not seem to provide any protection against periodontal disease.