gripe, gripe, gripe

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Mother, Jackie, Richard, Nancy (our other sister), and I grew up in Miami, suffered many hurricanes. EVERYBODY KNEW that:

1. fill the bathtub, so you have water to bathe, flush, boil, whatever. Put some in pots, pitchers so it's cleaner water for cooking, drinking.

2. You get flashlights

3. You get canned food - and make sure you have a can opener

4.Do not go out right after the storm has passed - there may be live wires around. Don't drive, either - there might be danger on the roads that you can't see under the water.

5. Be sure you have a bit of $ and gas in the car.

6. If you can afford it, get a battery radio - if not, when you get a lull, go listen to the car radio.

7. Check on your neighbors.


Nobody ever helped us except ourselves. I hear all those people down there (not the New Orleans, Miss. bunch - they are in trouble) griping and I wonder what preparations they made - or didn't make! Their houses are still standing, they have some trees down, no electricity, no a.c. (oh, how horrible!), no water - so what. Clean the yards, like the old-timers did and wait for the rest.
As I've watched the news reports, I've wondered the same thing.
Up here, when they forecast a winter storm--particularly ice--everyone goes to the store to stock up. We get extra cash and make sure all the cars are filled with gas. Basically we follow the same routine that you do.
During the blizzard of 78, Cape and surrounding areas received 28 inches of snow. The region shut down for more than a week as officials tried to dig everyone out. People remember that year (or else the tv weathermen remind us) and we are suitably motivated to make preparations.
With the number of natural disasters that have hit the country this year, you would think we would get better at preparing for the storms rather than getting more inept.


Are the people in line all night for gas?...when..the schools, jobs, ect. are closed to no power?..Where are they planning on going? Bonnie
Im afraid I must agree, they also had ample warning as Wilma had delayed from cold front..days over Cancun..Ive gone through all except Ivan, sitting right here in my house... drinking ice coffee..(which ISNT as good as my Grandmother claimed.. :eek: )under kitchen cabinet are at least 20 empty milk jugs ..cleaned with bleach..fill many w/water/ice tea/coffee..2 tubs w/ water for toilets.. canned foods, fruit..etc.. I do alright.. :eek:
Ann, I agree.

I've spent time on some cyber boards trying to learn more details about the damage done to Cancun. I've been just amazed at how many people are irritated at different hotels/resorts for not answering phones or responding to e-mails. Everyone loves vacations but you can't expect people who have just lost their homes, jobs, and city to have much sympathy for someone who is having to give up a week of fun in Cancun. I mean, in many areas, there is no water, electricity, or phones and yet many people are wondering if this is going to affect their vacation? Sometimes I am embarrassed by how spoiled we as a people have become. Cancun will recover but it is going to take some time.

We heard from someone that has not yet been able to leave Cancun and like many others are roughing it in make-do shelter in a devasted hotel. In this particular place 3 doctors have been rounding up medications (coumadin being one of them) from guests still remaining and distributing them to others who have run out of their medication. Another reason to travel with an ample supply of coumadin!
We have created way too much "entitlement" in this country. Everybody is looking either to blame the government for problems or to have the government bail them out of everyday issues.
I don't get paid by the government if I lose days of work due to a snow storm. If the power goes out, we just bundle up or light a fire, get out the flashlights and candles and deal with it.
What ever happened to thinking for ourselves?
Rugged individualist needed

Rugged individualist needed

Ayn Rand,
Where are you when we need you? ;) ;) ;)


I'm a weather nut when it comes to watching CNN and other cable channels on these hurricanes.I really don't think the people in Miami thought that Wilma would do that much damage... to them..and were caught off-guard.. I just heard that all cell-phones were down and FEMA could not get in touch with their food trucks to tell them where to go. :eek: I'm also thinking that poor people do not buy food for a week..just ..probably day by day.On the local corner store.Milk/bread, ect.......... Now, if the Hurricane was headed for Miami..I would agree..they should have stocked piled their food/water.......I also feel sorry for all the poor people who lost their homes in New Orleans..but, I would love to know..if how many of them will really go back?I think about the ones living in State parks in new trailers ..furnished by the Government..We love State parks..they usually have lakes, pools, ect.What a change for them?....If they remain there....they will be taking revenue from that State..and I would bet..they will close to public. :eek: Most olders people who have trailers that like to go camping will not have the space.....and most cannot afford the gas to go further.Sister, who works for American Red Cross..said she heard and TRUE..that a lot of the New Orlean people used their $2,000 vouchers on designers bags, clothes, nightclubs, ect. I hope this was a small % of them..and most used them for food, housing, ect.......Neighbor's son was in Mississippi for 6 weeks..delivering generators. Stayed in a motel ..where evactees..were on balcony all day..drinking beer and throwing their cig. butts off on the ground...Hope, I don;t get flamed. :D Just some of my thoughts. Bonnie
Things need to change!!!!!

Most everyone has there own hardships. Why do some get help from other taxpayers and others don't. Everyone on this board has had hardships. Why are some people with hardships required through taxes to help pay for others with hardships. I agree that if someone is physically unable to work like so many on this board that they need help because thay are unable to do it by themselves. I am tired of being required to help those that can help themselves, but refuse to and we let them get away with it.

When I was born with a major heart defect and mom was unable to work because no one at the time would/could take care of me while she worked. Did we get any help? NO. My parents found a way to make do. When I had my 3rd heart surgery and did not get a pay check while I was off work, did I get help? NO. I took the responsibllty to take care of things. When my husband died, did I get help? I got a total of $255 from the government. We took responsibilty to take care of things.

I am not saying this because I think I was entitled to money. I am saying this because there are to many people out there who should be taking responsibilty that we are required to take care of. I should not have received help, just like so many others should not receive help that are. What ever happened to personal responsibilty and planning.

Yes, we should help those that truly need our help. But, we are also helping people that just refuse to accept personal responsibilty.

I will get off my soap box now.

i work in home health and have listened to CNN about them complaining that the government didn't help them. i do feel sorry for alot of them. however in my home health "book", if someone living alone can't get out of their home with electricity still on (elevators),plenty of days notice, and has no friends/trailer park manager that could help,they should NOT be living alone. it is a HUGE safety factor. i always say to family, if there was a fire in the house, can that person get out in time. A bedbound person has no business living alone.if a person can't get up from their bed/chair themselves,they should NOT live alone.someone who ambulates with a walker should be at least able to get out to their mobile home park office and have them call for a ride.most mobile home parks(of which florida has ALOT) usually do a good job of checking up on their people. i think people just were taking their chance on it blowing over. but the above posts were right. you can still take precautions of extra water,food,batteries,etc if you are going to "ride "the storm.
not enough advance warning? Everybody in Florida knows that the most predictable thing about a hurricane is that it is UNpredictable. Wherever you are in Florida and there's a storm, get prepared. It could come to YOUR house. All TV stations keep telling us - be prepared. And I am positive they told Miamians to do it. By the looks of the long lines waiting for water, ice, not too many paid attention to the public announcements. They do round the clock coverage. You oughta see it sometime.

We had so many storms this year, that we finally just stayed prepared. Stuff is still stored inside and we'll put it back outside one of these days. There's another one out there right now - or it was there this morning. It begins with a B, I think - or is it the A one? We lost track.