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I lost my father last night. He was 83. I have so many friends here, I thought this would be the best way to tell you. Another event in that "Cycle of Life" that all of us here so vividly understand yet, it's still difficult. I'm going to miss him.
Sorry Les. It doesn't matter how old we are when we lose them, it still hurts. The upside is that he suffers no more and that can be a blessing in itself.

You have our condolences and if there is something I can do, just yell.
There is no better way to get on with the grieving process than to share the pain with friends, Les. You are in good company and you may greive in any way you wish. It is never easy losing a parent. I have lost both parents, different years. My parents had been divorced for many years. My father was first to go, complications from diabetes. My mother was from complications from RA. So, they were still young, father was 76, my mother was 64. So passage of life is all part of the death process. I will pray for you and your family during this time. You keep hanging in there. Come in when you feel the need. We are here for you.
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I'm sorry to hear of your loss, Les. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Les-

You have my deepest sympathies. Both of my parents passed away, quite a while ago. I still think of them both every day. Grieving is an ongoing process.

I found it hard at first to suddenly become the "older" generation with no one to go to for help with decisions.

God bless.
I'm so sorry Les,

My deepest condolences. I lost both my parents by the time I was 28. My Mother died of cancer when I was 19, she was 56 and my Father died of a heart attack when I was 28, he was 63. I still think of them all the time.

You need to talk, grieve, cry ...go right ahead! We are here to support you in any way we can.

Take comfort that he is in a better place now. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending you a cyber HUG!
My deepest Sympathies Less...

My deepest Sympathies Less...

I have been going through a similar situation the past month or two and then I almost lost another close friend to a massive heart attack last tuesday morning. I hope that we both get through our troubles with speed and grace and I hope that you just keep remembering positive things about your father and get through this. You both are in my hearts, thoughts and prayers. Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :( :D :( :D
Les, I'm so sorry for your loss. No matter how old we get, we are still our parents' child and carry some measure of that child-like love and respect for them. So when we lose them, it hits us in a hidden place we may not know we still had. May your happy memories sustain you through this difficult time.

Please accept my condolences and sincere expression of sympathy at your loss.
Our age, when we experience a parent's death, doesn't matter. We are only given one father, one mother, and when we lose them, we have no replacement.
God bless you during this difficult time.
So Sorry!

So Sorry!

Les, I'm glad you let us know about your dad. You will have him in your heart forever, but it takes a while for the hurt to subside. I lost my dad when I was 22, my mom when I was 39. I still think of her and miss her.
Hugs to you and know that we are all here to help you through this.
My sympathies to you.
Only someone who has buried a parent can understand your sorrow, take comfort that your memories will be your comfort as time goes by.
My thoughts, prayers and hugs go out to you. You are certainly not alone and thank you for allowing us the opportunity to grieve with you.
It seems there is never enough time with those we love.
Les, I lost my 81 year old Dad five months ago. It's like...

Les, I lost my 81 year old Dad five months ago. It's like...

becoming a parent for the first time (or being a 'valver!) -- no matter how smart you are, no matter how articulate anyone else is, you simply cannot fully understand what it feels like until you've been through it.

Have strength. It really does get better.
Our deepest sympathy, Les. May your memories sustain you in the days and years to come. There will come a time when you will be able to laugh at the fond memories and gain from the wisdom he imparted to you and yours.
Les, please accept my condolences. May he live on through your memories -
If you need anything at all, please give a shout.

I'll be thinking of you -

Your friend,
Hey Les,
I am sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care
Les, I am so sorry. I still grieve for my dad who I lost 4 years ago but the pain has lessened. Time will help but there will long be an open wound just beneath the surface. You and your family will be in my heart and prayers.