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Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to let you guys know how wonderful I think you are. Being a newbie I feel right at home. I am so glad I found It's nice to know I can honestly vent and people get why am venting or be truly honest that I just don't feel on top of my game right now. Love my family but they don't always understand I get tried easier,I have H/A most of the time, I get dizzy In plain words sometimes I just feel like doing anything but sit on my butt to keep my heart from flip/floppying. Sometimes I feel like am letting them down for not doing things all the time. For example when I had my cath done my brother brought his family to have a vacation while at the beach. (The hosptial I go to is MUSC @Charleston SC which is by the beach) I felt bad because I just didn't feel like playing at the beach all day not to mention I was worried what the cath would show. Am I being selfish? Oh, before I forget It's offical my surgery is set for Sept. 8th with pre-op on the 7th. Just 4 long weeks to wait and wonder what if or should I? What am I going to wear while in the hospital? Is my scare going to be long? I just got my old one faded out. My list could go on and on put I want now :D Hope I don't drive anyone crazy! Anyway thanks for taking me in! ;)
Love Stacey
Your birthday suit is always in style! :D (Thongs are nice too) Get back to your room evil Ross
. I hate when he does that!

I let the ladies discuss the clothing issues. They know what works and doesn't work.

Family and friends never do "Get it" when it comes to how we feel. They can't even begin to imagine. That's why were here. We know, we've been there.
Not to worry about what to wear, Stacey. They give you those neat little gowns (remember them?) that you wear the whole time. You might want some slippers, tho - theirs aren't good. Take something loose to wear home or have family bring it when you are ready. Don't take much to do because you won't want to and you can't concentrate much. I think maybe sometimes the before is scarier than the after. The what ifs and should I. As to family, that's the reason VR is here. Nobody else can walk in your shoes like VR. Hang in.
You might want to bring some pajama pants to wear with the gown.

The waiting is the hardest part (gosh, sounds like a song!) It's hard not to play mind games with the what if's. That's why it's good to come on here. If you 're getting too nutty we'll all line up to give a hard "snap out of it" slap on the cheek.

Do you have a comfy recliner to sleep in for a week or two when you get home after surgery. A lot of our members find it's much easier to do that than to try to prop and bolster yourself in bed.

As for the scar - do a search on "cleavage" - there are some benefits. :D

Keep on posting - it will pass the time.
Stacey and Karlynn:

I'd never thought of this as a benefit before, but my scar definitely improved my cleavage....

Seriously, Stacey, I know from experience what the last four weeks is like. Relax, meditate. Do some fun things if you feel up to them. Don't focus on the surgery - focus on how good you will feel 8 weeks from now (I learned that trick from Marge :) ) Comfy slippers to walk in and a nice warm full length robe will solve your "what to wear" dilemma. If you're into music, take a walkman, ipod, or whatever filled with tunes to listen to.

And hang out with us- we're a fun group! ;)
What to wear?

What to wear?

Hi...before my surgery, I bought a couple of new pair of pajamas...with BUTTON UP THE FRONT (important!) tops. I wanted to look decent for company in the hospital. The gowns can really be a pain, trying to keep your essentials covered!
After the surgery, it will be awhile before you can raise your arms above your head to put on pullover style anything!
I took slippers...mule type for ease of putting on, a light weight robe to cover up with while on those "forced walks" up and down the hospital hallways, and comfy p.j.'s.
Your surgery is scheduled on my birthday...I'll be thinking of you!
hanali :cool:
As you won't really be able to shower for several days, you may not want visitors, so the finery may be for naught.

The gowns they have seem fine, as you don't usually know when company's coming, anyway, to get dressed up. And you will have monitoring wires, which work best with front buttons to run out between. To be modest, you wear another one backwards on top of your regular one.

Anything loose to go home in is fine. As a male, I chose a silk shirt (Hawaiian shirt, that is), which didn't rub or aggravate the healing skin.

Also, you might not want a welcoming party when you get home. Settle, relax, find your groove. Then you can meet your well-wishers at a restaurant a couple of weeks later, so you can go home when you feel like it, without being trapped with company.

Best wishes,