Granson sick

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Kameron came home from visiting Mother in North Carolina. Sick since but going to school..Tuesday and today..but came home off school bus and called Daddy..Daddy flew home and took his Temp...102 degrees.. pain all over..and throwing up.But sleeping off and on..I will leave early in the morning to go and stay with him. NO school tomorrow. Don't you just hate to see your little ones sick...:mad: I am going to tell him this week-end to be sure and wash his hands, ect.....They throw up all the meds you give them...I think it's going to be a very bad winter for sickness..Kids and adult's alike. Our weather in Georgia has been bad this week..Cold, rainy.. Any more suggestions about keeping children well? Parents send their kids to school sick..and spread it to others. I guess Kameron probably gave his to others. but insisted on going. Hates to miss school. They load them up with missed homework:mad: :mad: :mad: Then, they have to stay up late..catching up. and feel bad the next day.:mad: :mad: :mad: Bonnie
You could get some of those new antibacterial handwipes and put them in a baggie in his lunchbox to really clean his hands before he eats lunch. Little kids sneeze and cough all over everything and little hands touch everything. Spreads a lot of germs.

Joe cleans his hands with Purel after going to the hospital lab. Who knows what's on those waiting room chair handles and on the arms of the lab chairs.

They also say that market cart handles are laden with germs.

But I do think that no matter what you do, kids are going to get a certain number of illnesses and colds, just because they aren't immune to lots of things yet.

One of my daughters used to get an ear infection every month, no matter how many antibiotics she was on, and in spite of having her tonsils and adenoids removed. She has a son just like that.

I hope he gets better soon.
Hi Granbonny,

Sorry your grandson is sick. Mine is too- with bronchitis. He feels better today and is keeping down food and fluids but still has a fever. He called a while ago and wanted to come over but said he didn't think he could. He knows how much I miss him if I don't see him for a few days. He is 3.

It seems like we get your weather within about two days. We are cold and rainy too, but today I woke up full of Christmas spirit and have spent some time today decorating. The tree is up and the fire is in the fireplace and well..........its beginning to feel alot like Christmas............:) :)
Thanks Nancy

Thanks Nancy

son just called..Taking him to Med Central....Son cannot handle seeing him so sick..and too late for me to drive down..Dark, rainy and foggy...Daughter will go over and meet them...At least he should get some meds for whatever he has...Bonnie
Oh Bonnie. Kameron will be in our prayers. Poor little guy. It breaks my heart to see young children so ill.

Glad to hear they are heading out to get treatment. With that Fijian flu on the rise you can't be too careful.

Hand washing is critical. Keeping the hands away from the face at school and public places. Went over this again and again with my daughter.

On the antibacterial...biggest mistake you can make to 'overuse' those products for washing your hands. We had a winter from hell...sick almost every other week. My doctor asked what we were washing with. Dial antibacterial soap and wet ones antibacterial when we were out. He asked us to stop! Disrupts flora and causes more harm than good. Kind of like what is happening with antibotic resistance. That junk should be outlawed. Maybe we should just use it to wash our cars. :D

Bonnie, please keep us posted
right now here in north carolina,and I dont know if its everywhere but over half of the children from caylas elementary school are out with the same thing,both of my neices have had it for almost two weeks with temp. in the 102 and the same symptoms the doctors said here there is nothing they can do but run its course ,my liitlest one has asthma and along with the temp. there is a terrible cough and congestion.I pray this is not only going on here,we will be praying for the children.Here on the outer banks the kids last day is on the 12th and are on vacation for three weeks because of the wrights brother memorial,and with all the kids being out last week and this week im not sure what they are going to do.I hope he feels better soon.
Sorry to hear about your grandson. It is so hard when the little ones are so sick. Bonnie, drive safe going over there.
Betty, I am sorry to hear about your grandson also.
That hand washing is so very important.
You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care.

Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Bon, as Nicole says, N.C. is rampant with the new flu and you are very close to N.C. so you be careful. Do for yourself all the things others have suggested for Kameron. Take care of you or someone else will be taking care of the both of you. Love, my dear - and love to Kameron.:)
As I recall, December's always been bad for kids' health. My little guy has croup and the baby just a cold (or teeth coming in)

I remember back in the old days, I got chicken pox on Dec 16 (my best friend's birthday & I couldn't go to her party). And my kids were always sick just before Christmas. I think it must be the weather changes.

Hope everyones' little ones get better for Santa.

And I hope you guys out on the east coast make it through this storm without losing your power, etc. I'm thinking of you.
There are kids dying in New Mexico, Colorado and Texas from the flu. One of my schools was closed this past week due to it. Hope your grandson is O.K. My baby is 18 and in basic training at Ft. Knox. He's on antibiotics for pinkeye and a sinus infection. They don't get to slow down though....hard for a mom to take!!!! Thank God he will be home for Christmas!!!

Update on Grandson

Update on Grandson

Kameron was admitted to hospital as soon as the doctor saw him. Temp around 103-104 ..Horrible headache. They did a cat scan and then at 2 a.m. did a spinal tap for meningitis sp?..Hubby and I left at 3 a.m. in horrible fogy weather..but no way I wasn't going to be there...Thank God, it was negative. Fever spike to 105..With morphine and IV's his pain went away. He slept for 48 hours. Woke up only crying and we would give him more pain med.. Fever broke at 6 p.m. Sat. night. He is much better today. I am at his home in Gainesville.....Please watch your little ones for pain all over. He was diagnosed with Viral syndrome... Schools closing all over..but Kameron's was far the worse case.. Bonnie
Hi Bonnie-

I'm so sorry to hear that your grandson is so ill, but happy to hear that he's improving. Is he home now or still hospitalized?

He'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Bonny, I was worried when we didn't hear from you that your grandson was pretty sick. I'll be praying for his recovery and for everyone else's energy!


So sorry that Cameron has been so ill. Our little grandson Cole (3) has been sick now for over a week. He had completed his course of antibiotics but yesterday his fever was over 104 again so back he went to the ER. Diagnosis: FLU.

Is Cameron still in the hospital. Take care of yourself too, OK?


Is much I came home...Need some rest. Dad is there with him..He should be well enough to go back to school tomorrow. NO fever since Sat. night when it just broke.. Back is sore from spinal tap..He says he cannot taste anything? Just giving him toast and clear liquids.......Dr. said to switch from tylenol to Motrin..back and forth for fever...Also has pill (vicodin sp? pain with cough med in it..but only give it to him at night now before bed. Praying it doesn't come back..He was sooo sick...Bonnie
Bonnie, this has been a terrifying experience for you as I know how much you love Kameron. My prayers are with you and especially with Kameron for his even quicker recovery. You take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. It was a LONG week for you. Love, Ann
Temps in children?

Temps in children?

Kameron's was over 2 a.m. when they did a spinal tap on him...Thank goodness he was in hospital with doctor there..Years ago..I heard they would pack the children in that high..:eek: Years back when mine was little..was told to put in bathtub with cool..not cold water.. when they were running like 102... Thank goodness, now with modern meds to lower it... YES..we parents worry..The nurse told my age 34 year old son..Big policeman ..if he didn't quit bawling his eyes out. she was going to give him a morphine shot..:D :D :D Hope all you parents and grandparents's who have small children...Pray that your little one's stay well. bonnie

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