Grandson has mono

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
My 16 year old grandson was diagnosed with mono this morning at emergency care. I had took him to the doctor last Tuesday because his mother (my daughter) is a high school music teacher and she was tied up with Christmas programs all day so I volunteered to take him. Poor Kyle's throat was covered with blisters and his tonque was completely white. The doctor said he had strep. He gave him an antibotic and sent us home. He continued to get worse during the week, fever, chills, couldn't swallow, really sore around his spleen area. The doctor at emergency care put him on steroids today. My question is this. Do I need to worry about catching this? Should I call my doctor and tell him I've been exposed? I haven't drank after him and I didn't kiss him but I did hug him and I was around him when he was running high fever. What's your thoughts on this?
Hi Glenda...

Hi Glenda...

Sweetie, with all that you have wrong with you, I wouldn't take any chances, as this wouldn't be good if it complicated things for ya... As one who has multiple medical issues, I do know that the docs advise me very strongly to avoid people with colds, get my flu shots, and my pneumonia shots, and I would hope that your doctor's would tell you the same....I guess it goes back to the old saying "Better safe than sorry". I am keeping you as always in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay well... Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
Hello there !

Hello there !

Hi Glenda,
Sorry to hear about Kyles throat. Hope that he is better real soon.
Have a chat to your Doctor, see what he thinks, you cant take any chances.
Very Best Wishes
I had mono three months after my fifth child was born. Like Kyle, I originally was treated for strep throat with antibiotics, but after a week of no improvement, they ran a mono test, and I tested positive for it.

I don't remember being given any meds for it. I had the spleen enlargement for many months, and it still reoccurs sometimes (most recently after my replacment surgery).

I would contact the doctor and explain that you've been exposed. I don't know if they can do anything preventive to help you, but I would rather be safe than sorry.
Let us know what the doctor says.


My dear Goodwitch, I would mention the exposure to your PCP. I thought I had mono when I was diagnosed with my aortic insufficiency. What a shocker that was! "Just run down from working too much. But did you know you have a heart murmur?" I finally got it sometime during my first two years post op. I was lucky, and wasn't nearly as sick as poor Kyle. I don't think I got any meds either, just lots of rest. I'll keep you both in my prayers. A big hug to you. "If I only had a brain!" Brian;)