Grandmother Granbonny

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Hi Bonny, we're just waiting for the pics now! Where are those two lovely wee things?!! :)
Ross is working on some as I type..Daughter sent them last night..They have been home 1 week and going great..Tomorrow, Hubby and I get to baby-sit while S/I/L has a colon thingy (cannot spell it lol).. They are so cute. Granbonny
OMG - these are such beautiful children. You are so lucky and they are so lucky to have each other.

Those sweet smiles say it all (and I mean on the parents as well :D).

Bonnie, thanks so much for sharing and thanks, Ross, for posting.
They are beautiful, Bonnie and you all are so lucky to have each other. Enjoy!!!
Thank you, Ross

Thank you, Ross

The first one's were my daughter and hubby arriving in Moscow...The one of the 2 of them standing outside..(courthouse in Voronezh) where they had just been officially adopted..The one with the 2 ladies in white( they were the orphanage doctor's) and they were dressed to leave the orphanage for first time in almost a year to go outside. Had to be bundle up for the doctor's) A picture of their orphanage..Kate asleep in on the Delta flight home from russia (Delta provides bulkhead bassinets for children. The flight is nicknamed The Adoption Flight..They have been home 1 week and blooming... :D :D Gaining weight, getting some color, ect. Thanks again. Granbonny
Well Now......What A Couple Of Cuties!!!

Well Now......What A Couple Of Cuties!!!

Your two new grandchildren are absolute cuties. I bet they will keep the old blood pumping soon enough. Just wanted to post and tell you how cute they are...Enjoy!!! Harrybaby :D :D :D
I just checked the thread again since when it first went up. Both children are beautiful! There must be sunshine galore over the state of Georgia since they arrived!
Bonnie, they are beautiful. How wonderful, you are going to have sooooo much fun with them. Congratulations :) :)
Thank you again

Thank you again

I wanted to add. that when my daughter and Hubby started the adoption process...All they asked their Agency We want 1 boy and 1 girl..... :) There are 700,000 orphans in Russia....Many Orphan homes...and can you believe it...that God found these 2 children...Real (bio) brother/sister..In a small village in Russia.Where they had been for 1 year..just waiting for Adriane and Allen :D :D .......and me, too. :p Bonnie