Got the blood results today...

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2008
South Africa - Pretoria.
Got my bloodtest results back today. I don't have Endocarditis (very thankful for that) but I do have TICK BITE FEVER. I don't even own a dog! have no idea how I got it!

Just have to finish my antibiotics and then I should be smiling again ;)

Hugs to all of you,
Well, I guess that beats endocarditis, doesn't it?
Got any wooded areas around? or pastures? been walking in tall grass? Ticks ride on all sorts of animals. Hubby and a friend both found ticks after dove hunting/dog training in a cow pasture last weekend. You don't have to have a dog to be bitten, just be someplace the ticks are!
I'm glad you got checked out and diagnosed quickly. Now, I just have to nag spouse to get thee to the MD for doxycycline as a preventative. Ditto hunting buddy.
Hope the antibiotics work quickly and you are feeling good again!
Glad to read it's not endocarditis.

Out where I am (Fire Island National Seashore) the tick problem is serious. :(They carry Lyme Disease. Most of the residents here have had Lyme at one time or another. The ticks are sneaky little critters that you sometimes don't feel until they've bitten and infected you.

Get well soon with the antibiotics.

Best wishes,

Do you have trees?

I've actually seen a tick fall / jump from a tree onto me while walking under it. The tree was in a wooded area but where I keep the grass mowed.
Got my bloodtest results back today. I don't have Endocarditis (very thankful for that) but I do have TICK BITE FEVER. I don't even own a dog! have no idea how I got it!

Just have to finish my antibiotics and then I should be smiling again ;)

Hugs to all of you,

I had my fingers crossed for you,
Last year my sister came down to NC to visit and I looked at her neck and asked her if she had been bitten by a tick. She just laughed and said no and asked why. I told her she had a very distinctive target lesion on her neck. A target lesion is a rashy area that has the appearance of a "bull's eye" with the center of it sometimes clearing and leaving a read circular perimeter. I told her what I noticed and said if she started getting sick she needed to tell her doctor that she had had this type of rash. 2 days later she was very ill with a fever of 104. I brought her to our ER and sure enough.....Lyme's disease. It was caught early so she had a complete recovery. I think she was on antibiotics for about 6-8 weeks.

I'm glad you don't have endocarditis.

Around here, in the southern USA, the ticks that cause the problems and carry the tick born illnesses are little things and very different than the ones that attach themselves to dogs and fill up with blood. I don't have a clue what kind of ticks are the culprits in your part of the world.

Get well soon!