Got my surgery date...

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
So I haven't posted for a while... my doctors were playing a "wait and see" and watching my symptoms before scheduling surgery, but expected it to be generally in the next year to year and a half. That was March. Since then I've continued to have symptoms (tired, weak spells, out of breath), and had an echo done a few weeks ago. My surgeon and doctor have decided it would be wise to get this done now vs later - my pulmonary pressures keep rising and so they're wanting to get this done before anything happens that's irreversible.

So my date is July 14th. In one way it's a relief... I'll have it behind me in a couple months... on the other hand it's completely terrifying. :) And this comes from a girl who has been through several (this will be #5).

In surgery they'll be replacing my artificial valve with a new, bigger one... and will also be doing the Maze procedure. Any input on the Maze would be great (I'll search the forum as well). Last time they went in, they also had to do general reconstruction, so it will be interesting to see what happens this time, and how long it takes. :)

Thanks to everyone for your support, past, present and future... :) You'll be hearing more from me in the near future, I'm sure. :)
I put your date on the calendar. I know you have mixed feelings, but hopefully this will be over and done with in a few months.
Best wishes, and I'll be looking for updates.
I certainly understand the being terrified. It all becomes reality when the date is given.
Does it always take that long to schedule surgery?

Why not start a thread and introduce thyself? Welcome to the insane asylum!

Surgery is scheduled depending on how badly your deteriorating. Reading your other post, I'd say plan on seeing a surgeon after your second opinion. ;)
I think unless it's urgent, they probably book out a month or two, depending on schedules... my last surgery I might have had a month's notice. This one I actually requested July or August because I had some important things in May and June that I didn't want to miss, and they were cool with that. :)
My prayers and best wishes for a successful surgery and an uneventful time in the waiting room. As one who has yet to have my first surgery....I am in awe of your have a great attitude and are an encouragement to all of us. Thanks for the thread.
kerri! we are soul sisters! july 14th is the date of my last surgery in 199--my third! co im sure this is a good sign! and im betting in a week or two once you digest this the scary feeling will diminish and then just moving along like im doing right now... every so often at night my mind starts to go crazy so i just pop a little xanax and sleep away..right now im trying to not think about being in the waiting room by reading a ton of stuff-not heart related! and keeping busy busy busy! yesterday no joke i cleaned out the basement and the garage...granted today i was super tired...but nothing a little caffeine couldnt take care of!

anyways, hang in there girlfriend! im thinking aobut you as i near my 4th on may 28th.

Kerri, my hat goes off to you, getting ready to do this again for the 5th time, can't
imagine how that feels. I will be having MVR, maze procedure and sewing off an
appendage on the enlarged Lt. atrium for the first time and I'm so stressed at times
thinking about it. My surgery is June 17, so will be done and praying for you on July
14. Laura
Good luck, Kerri,

We all get terrified even if you had gone through it before, like you. Yet, glad you have a date and I send you my prayers and good wishes that all go well.

I do not have anything to say about the maze procedure. Good luck and keep us posted :)
All the best wishes for you!!! get well soon.

So I haven't posted for a while... my doctors were playing a "wait and see" and watching my symptoms before scheduling surgery, but expected it to be generally in the next year to year and a half. That was March. Since then I've continued to have symptoms (tired, weak spells, out of breath), and had an echo done a few weeks ago. My surgeon and doctor have decided it would be wise to get this done now vs later - my pulmonary pressures keep rising and so they're wanting to get this done before anything happens that's irreversible.

So my date is July 14th. In one way it's a relief... I'll have it behind me in a couple months... on the other hand it's completely terrifying. :) And this comes from a girl who has been through several (this will be #5).

In surgery they'll be replacing my artificial valve with a new, bigger one... and will also be doing the Maze procedure. Any input on the Maze would be great (I'll search the forum as well). Last time they went in, they also had to do general reconstruction, so it will be interesting to see what happens this time, and how long it takes. :)

Thanks to everyone for your support, past, present and future... :) You'll be hearing more from me in the near future, I'm sure. :)
So I haven't posted for a while... my doctors were playing a "wait and see" and watching my symptoms before scheduling surgery, but expected it to be generally in the next year to year and a half. That was March. Since then I've continued to have symptoms (tired, weak spells, out of breath), and had an echo done a few weeks ago. My surgeon and doctor have decided it would be wise to get this done now vs later - my pulmonary pressures keep rising and so they're wanting to get this done before anything happens that's irreversible.

So my date is July 14th. In one way it's a relief... I'll have it behind me in a couple months... on the other hand it's completely terrifying. :) And this comes from a girl who has been through several (this will be #5).

In surgery they'll be replacing my artificial valve with a new, bigger one... and will also be doing the Maze procedure. Any input on the Maze would be great (I'll search the forum as well). Last time they went in, they also had to do general reconstruction, so it will be interesting to see what happens this time, and how long it takes. :)

Thanks to everyone for your support, past, present and future... :) You'll be hearing more from me in the near future, I'm sure. :)

Glad to see you have a date Kerri and all the best to you
Doesn't matter what ohs# it effects us with fear,I think
it's the worst of the waiting too.

You likely read up on maze,i had one for chronic afib
irregular heart rhythum,it should help the condition.
It was last resort for me as medication didnot help me.

The cuts of the maze in the heart provide a pathway for
the electrical signals to travel through my heart reducing
my a fib is what i was explained.
So far so good with me ,but my surgeon had perscribed me
amiodarone to take usually beta blockers,digitals or channel
blockers from my understanding to prevent the afib from returning.
I'm not sure exactly what title amiodarone sits with here
Not sure it takes the drug amiodarone sometime to leave my
system before i can tell the maze worked for sure,been off it
couple weeks now so we will see what happens for me.

It's likely a good thing they are doing a maze,ask them lots of
questions to confirm your questions on the maze,like will they
put you on something afterwards for awhile if so what?
I didnot ask and ended on amiodarone,was bad choice for me.

Good luck,and be praying for you,July 14th

Zipper2 (DEB)

July 14 is Bastille Day in France, when the French stormed the Bastille fortress-prison and started the French Revolution. Certain cities elsewhere in the world also celebrate it.

I'm sure you'll have a successful surgery and have something to celebrate too. :)
HI Kerri and welcome to the family. I'm glad you have your surgery date. I had a Maze done as part of my surgery 3 weeks ago and haven't had an arrhythmia since. I hope that it works for you as well. My doctors told me that it may or may not help. It did for now. I feel so much better without all the palpitations and irregular heart beats. I just have to recover from the actual surgery and i'll be good to go.
good luck kerri. this will be my first surgery and i have to say i think i am doing better than i thought i would. i would be scared if was fifth surgery to but i am sure everything will be alright but i do agree with ross that it all becomes real once they schedule the date. that was the day that everything finally caught up to me. before that i wasn't bad. it took me a day to get the shock to wear off and now i am back to being calm just hope it continue's all the way up to surgery on the 28th of this month. i keep getting more and more limited of what i can do. was out of breath putting laundry away and had to take a break and tried to carry a bucket full of water out to my dog that's the first and last time i am doing that since my symptoms started. in a way it's a relief that all of this is happening fast i wouldn't want to sit and wait that long. but i am so used to always being on the go i don't like sitting around the house doing nothing. not to mention the fact if i had to wait for a couple months it would give me too much time to think about it. all the best wishes.

Thanks to all for your support! Thanks also for the info on the maze procedure. I've looked it up online as well... interesting stuff. I do hope it helps with the palpatations... they're not horrible, but when they do come on they're definitely not overly fun. :)

And thanks Megan - glad to hear we share the same date (just different years). :)

I'll keep you all posted!