Got my pre-surgery packet today

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
I got a packet from Barnes Jewish hosptital today. I will have my presurgery tests on the 29th and the surgery June 30. It had a lot of good information on what to expect presurgery, surgery and post surgery, It had a section of me and another for family and friends. It was helpful but also brought back a little fear because it was like saying this is real. I am sure the day of surgery will be kind of like my first jump out of an airplane in the Army. (My first plane ride and first jump were one and the same) When we started checking our equipment and standing up to get ready it hit me. "they really expect me to jump out of this airplane." Oh well it felt great when I got to the ground and I know I will feel great when this is over.
Your wait is nearly over. I found the wait to be the very worst part. Keep us informed as the date nears.
I agree. the wait really was the worst part for me, as well.

Sounds like your pre-surgery packet is pretty standard stuff. Very similar to what I got from Mass General.

Best Wishes. Hope all goes smoothly for you.
John, thanks again for your commets on valve selection. We will have our surgery one day apart. You will be out of it and over the hill when I get wheeled in on 1 July for AVR! Yes the wait is nearly over but like you, I am at times terribly apprehensive. My surgeon said it was OK to be apprehensive but must not be afraid though. I said no I am not afraid, just scared out of my wits at times! We are 9 hours ahead of you, so when your surgery begins on the 30th I shall be done with my pre-surgery tests and settling in for the last night with an intact chest, shall be thinking of you.
I also had my presurgery tests the day before the actual surgery, and I found it easier on my nerves.:)
Speaking of nerves, I've skydived too, and I was more apprehensive with it than the replacement. I knew there was no choice with the replacement . . . maybe that's the difference.;)
I like your analogy of jumping out a plane! I had that "I can't do this" feeling, right up to when they wheeled me away to knock me out. I always thought something was going to happen to stop it all, I just couldn't visualize myself going through with it - until I woke up in ICU.

Anyway, best wishes and all that jazz.... I will look forward to welcoming you to this side of the mountain.

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