Google Your Birth Year -- Interesting Finds

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
I just googled my birth year (1951) & found out some interesting stats:

Gallon of milk = .92
Loaf of bread = .16
Dozen Eggs = .69
Postage Stamp = .03
Gallon of Gas = .23 (Wow!)
New Auto = $1,800
New Home = $16,000

And the minimum wage per hour was .75/hr & the average yearly income was $3515.

"Tennesse Waltz", "Cold, cold Heart" two popular songs that year.
My mum and I were just talking yesterday, and with what I earned weekly in my first job in the UK in 1971, I could now buy 2 gallons of gas; mum could buy 1 gallon with what she got when she quit work to have me.

I was born in 1955.