Good Surgery, Good Recovery, New Challenge

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in April 2008, I had mitral valve repair surgery, I was back to work in 4 weeks and exercising 5 - 6 times per week from 1 - 1.5 hours. I was building strength, speed and stamina. Training included Running( treadmill) Bicycling (mostly stationary) swimmimg and weights. It was all going well. I had a 50 mile bike ride planned in August and a Sprinter tri scheduled for early september

last week after swimming and then getting on the treadmill to run, I had a TIA(mini stroke) the effects lasted about 20 minutes. Blood pressure which had been under control was elevated 150/102 for several hours after the event I have been in hospital for a couple of days since and been through lots of tests.

TEE (normal) Carotid sonogram (normal) Blood tests (all Normal) CAT Scan (normal) MRI ( Small ministroke, date not known) MRA Normal
I am now on Coumadin, 2 blood pressure meds, and plavix.

I am bummed by the new challenge and facing lots of unknowns.
Exercise -how hard,
Coumadin - How do I get off
and basically how did this happen
I'm sorry to say, but these are all unknown answer questions that are best left for your Doctor to answer. There isn't any simple explaination. :)
I am sorry to hear of this setback for you. My wife had a TIA just a little more than a week ago. Did they talk to you about diet? In her case, the doctors were really insistent on her cutting down on salt, as well as fats and caffeine. Don't know if any of that applies to you or not. Not trying to prescribe for you -- just passing along our experience.

Take care: They say a TIA means a heightened risk of a major stroke in next 3 months or so. It is a warning signal -- that can be helpful in terms of getting us to take preventive steps.

I wish you well.
Some people have one TIA and it never happens again, others have more. They are scary. My husband had many (about 16 in all) over his lifetime. He recovered from them and had no lasting effects that I could see. He was on Plavix for a while.

His doctors told us that it could be a tiny clot, a piece of cholesterol, or a piece of other plaque that the body makes. There are many possibilities.

It is a good thing that you went to the hospital and had all the known culprits checked out, and it turned out that the tests were normal.

The Plavix should help.

Wishing you all the best.
I had TIA's before replacement and was hospitalized. They attributed them to flecks of calcification coming off the valve and all occurred when my heart rate was elevated. I was on heparin in the hospital. The neurologist wanted to put me on coumadin when I went home; the cardiologist said no to the coumadin and prescribed plavix instead. I remained on plavix until I had my valve replaced, and now I take 325mg of enteric coated aspirin each day.

Have you had instances of elevated blood pressure before? I assume you don't smoke? If you're taking both coumadin and plavix, then I think your chance of having another is greatly reduced. Please keep us informed as to what you find out.
Superbob - thanks for taking the time to reply. You have alot going on yourself. I really appreciate your comments
a Neurologist stopped by for about 15 minutes one day.

He will not be my long term Doc. i Will be seeking recommendations from my surgeon Aand my cardiologist
To Sheepdog - Right on! and that is the response I would expect to get from a sheepdog!

What were your TIA symptoms? Just curious.

My cardio thinks I've had at least one TIA, but I think otherwise.
My symptoms consisted of incredible fatigue (for up to 6 weeks at times), 30-plus-minute bouts of non-stop yawning, not being able to move my body at my normal speed (speed of light, you might say) but not having parts of my body affected, just too tired to move very fast. (When my husband leaves me in dust at the mall, something's wrong with me!)

I've had some of the same tests you've had, but I'm falling through the cracks of his office staff. Time for a new cardio for me, I think...
My symptoms were dizziness, loss of vision in one eye, unability to speak, loss of memory. All of this lasted less than 15 minutes afterwards I felt a little tired. It took a while before I could relate what happened. After several hours I was fine.
Symptons do sound like TIA or stroke. Do you think that you may have overdone exercise (too much, too soon). Your exercise schedule seems pretty tough so soon after OHS. You may be on coumadin for awhile to lessen the chance of future stroke. Let your Cardio know all the details of your activities.
Mary - I was prehypertensive all of "07. That is what uncovered the Regurgitation which led to the surgery. It was a tough week for the last few weeks at work, and I negligected to check the BP, previous checks were very much in a normal range.

That will not happen again!