Good News

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Good evening everyone!:)

Finally recieved some good news from my card. I don't need any by-passes. All of my arteries are wide open and looking good!:D
We will be discussing surgeon and surgery on Thursday.
Hope all of you are feeling good this evening.
Thanks for all of your support.
Great news Beverly.

It always nice to find a silver lining. Hope everything else is just as smooth.
Beverly, that's great news! I received the same news after my angiogram and so I know just how elated you are!! :D :D

Will be thinking good thoughts for you. Hope your visit goes well on Thursday. Keep us posted.

Congratulations! It's a nice feeling getting that confirmed. I know I was relieved when I got the news as clogged arteries runs on my Dad's side of the family.

Wishing you the best for Thursday!

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