Good Luck, PHILIP!! Surgery 4.27.06

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
Best wishes going out to you, Philip. Hope you are enjoying your day today. Breathe easy, Sir Galahad..........the path is clear!!

We will be anxiously waiting for a report tomorrow!! Sounds like you're the first surgery of the day, yes??

Good luck and Godspeed!!

:D Marguerite
Enjoy the food! :D

Yes -- godspeed and "break a leg" and all that good fortune is on it's way to you!
Wishing you the best Philip and we hope you will have someone post for you. This soon will be all behind you and you can start a new and healthy life.
Best Wishes

Best Wishes

My prayers are with you..... Hey... my birthday (50 flippin years old) is on the 27th so don't think about your surgery.... think about what you are going to get me:D :D :D ;) :p :p :p

You will do great!!!

That's right, Philip! Cooker's going to be flippin' 50 and I am too two months from now so YOU HAD BETTER BE MAKING SOME PLANS for us! (Cooker, we're not getting older, we're just getting better....thanks to ohs! Right???! )
Philip, there are so many of us on here wishing you the best. I hope we are holding you up if you are feeling a little weary! I can't wait for this to be over for you.
Positive thinking is the hope that you can climb that infamous mountain. Positive believing is the same hope, but with a reason for believing you can do it!
Many. many positive thoughts to you from these beautiful hills of West Virginia!
Best wishes for a successful surgery and an uneventful recovery. My prayers are with you.:)
Thanks, I'm on the "bell lap"

Thanks, I'm on the "bell lap"

Thanks to all for helping me struggle through the waiting, it was a challenge. If it had not been for my rocks it would have been even more difficult. I would list names but after reading yesterdays emails and PM's it is apparent that I don't do well sedated, besides you know who you are. I guess this is a good time to also thank those with whom I have not had much communication with but are always their for all of us. The "first responders" those that are always there with a greeting, an encouraging word, a link and a prayer. This could be a long list. And now for the last group: the witty: it is wonderful to be able to introduce humor into this serious subject.

"Bell Lap:" For the non-runners this is the term used by runners on the track noting that you are on the last lap of your race....400 meters to go; it is a great sound. I am through the pre-op, had a clean pass of the baton, heard the bell and intend on coming to the finish strong. I can't let down my April teammates.

Surgery is at 7:00 AM Thursday. Look for a late Thursday post by a friend/co-worker or my wife.

One more post....geez!

One more post....geez!

:D :D Positive attitudes create a chain reaction of positive thoughts!!! :D :D That is what this website is all about!
Keep going Philip! You'll see me in the April section of the stands waving those purple, green and gold pom-poms for my ragin' cajun buddy from New Orleans! You're almost there!
Good luck tomorrow. At least you don't have to wait tomorrow, up and in early. We will be thinking about you. Godspeed!