Good Luck, George!!!

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
George. You're waking up to another beautiful day in the Great Northwest! And tomorrow you'll wake up and have a meeting with the man who repaired your heart 40 years ago......Portland's infamous Dr. Starr!

Just wanted to get the ball rolling here, and wish you a very successful surgery. I'm sure Dr. Starr is just itching to have a look at his 40 year old handiwork. You'll be in very good hands.

I hope your wife can keep us posted as we'll all be looking for news. We'll look forward to hearing from you, soon, too!

Good luck my friend!! Godspeed!

:D Marguerite
Good luck George on tomorrow's upcoming surgery. I'm sure everything will go well, and you'll soon be back posting "What I did the day of surgery!"

Take care and God bless,
Thanks Marguerite!

Thanks Marguerite!

We'll be leaving in a couple of hours For St. Vincent Medical Center to have my pre-op appointments today, & make sure all arrangements & paperwork are in place. By the time we get back late this afternoon, it should be time to grab the kids & go out to dinner. Then I'll TRY to get some sleep, & be up early to check in at 5 AM tomorrow morning. :eek: I just want to thank all of you for your prayers & support! I do have my wife trained as to how to post on here. She'll get news out ASAP.
Give my best to the famous Dr. Starr

Give my best to the famous Dr. Starr

I know your going to do fine. Please get back online right away and let
us know how the surgery went. I'm sure everyone joins me in thanking Dr. Starr for all the things he has done for all the VR.comer- He is truly one of the greats in medical history!
Marguerite53 said:
George. You're waking up to another beautiful day in the Great Northwest! And tomorrow you'll wake up and have a meeting with the man who repaired your heart 40 years ago......Portland's infamous Dr. Starr!

Just wanted to get the ball rolling here, and wish you a very successful surgery. I'm sure Dr. Starr is just itching to have a look at his 40 year old handiwork. You'll be in very good hands.

I hope your wife can keep us posted as we'll all be looking for news. We'll look forward to hearing from you, soon, too!

Good luck my friend!! Godspeed!

:D Marguerite
I'm sure you meant "famous":
"......Portland's infamous Dr. Starr!" :)
I am sure you won't see this before surgery but I wish you well. Prayers and hugs coming your way.

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